Come to Join Poetry Competition with Shireen Sungkar

Minggu, 24 September 2017 - 09:31 WIB
Come to Join Poetry...
Come to Join Poetry Competition with Shireen Sungkar
BOGOR - Creativity of Shireen Sungkar with team in Bogor Raincake, Bogor city always invite people to get involved.

In August, this wife of actor Teuku Wisnu made a poetry competition for the first time. The Poetry Competition was named 'Cipta Puisi Hujan' in accordance with Bogor, known as the rain city.

"The theme of the also not far from the city of Bogor, which is about rain. We know, Bogor city which is identical with rain and also culinary. I make this poetry competition according to my business which is in Bogor city, where Bogor Raincake exist. Insha Allah this poetry contest will be sustainable," explained Shireen recently.

One of the criteria is the originality and of course has a good or good narration or writing. Every participant who participate in poetry contest should follow @raincakebogor.

Being special in this competition, five best poems will be read directly by Shireen as the owner and Brand Ambassador of Bogor Raincake. This will certainly be the pride of the writers of poetry.

"So far the enthusiasm of the fans and followers to follow the competition is large enough. They are glad to be able to express their artistic talents on the Poetry Competition. The event also made emotional closeness more intense between Raincakers (loyal fans) Bogor Raincake products with Bogor Raincake," said Shireen.

For the announcement of the winning contest, Shireen will announce live on Bogor Raincake's social media.

Shireen himself admitted, very enthusiastic to continue to make new ideas and fresh, related to Bogor Rancake culinary business souvenirs his own.
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