70 Musicians Will Liven Up Malang Jazz Festival 2017

70 Musicians Will Liven Up Malang Jazz Festival 2017
MALANG - Classical music entertainment will be present in area of Malang Raya on October 7, 2017. Located in the tourist area, Dieng Valley, Malang, seven national bands, seven local bands and 70 musicians such as Krakatau Reunion, Syaharani & Queenfireworks, Sheila on 7, Teza Sumendra and The Overtunes, Stars and Rabbit and Equinox feat Calvin Jeremy will enliven this event.
Malang Jazz Festival 2017 which will carry the theme "The Urban Jazzy" for the first time using two big stage in the show, each MJF Stage and MLD Urban Stage.
Events that will start from 13:00 pm until the end is also supported by Flanela Band and Tropical Forest. Not to forget the community frenzy in East Java or Malang enliven the biggest annual music event in this Malang area.
Ticket Malang Jazz Festival will be divided into two main classes, VIP and Festival. Each class is divided into two parts: VIP 1 and VIP 2 and Festival A and Festival B. The Festival class position will be right in front of the stage, but still at an affordable price.
VIP 1 and VIP 2 which has always been sold out before the day of H will occupy a specially designed tribune with a more comfortable view unhindered Festival class that is in front of it.
Not to forget there are special parking facilities, VIP lounge, meet & greet and limited merchandise bonuses for VIP ticket holders 1.
Ticket Festival Fare B Rp. 140,000 Festival A Rp. 175.000 VIP 2 Rp. 450.000 and VIP 1 Rp. 1.250.000 and can be obtained online.
Malang Jazz Festival 2017 which will carry the theme "The Urban Jazzy" for the first time using two big stage in the show, each MJF Stage and MLD Urban Stage.
Events that will start from 13:00 pm until the end is also supported by Flanela Band and Tropical Forest. Not to forget the community frenzy in East Java or Malang enliven the biggest annual music event in this Malang area.
Ticket Malang Jazz Festival will be divided into two main classes, VIP and Festival. Each class is divided into two parts: VIP 1 and VIP 2 and Festival A and Festival B. The Festival class position will be right in front of the stage, but still at an affordable price.
VIP 1 and VIP 2 which has always been sold out before the day of H will occupy a specially designed tribune with a more comfortable view unhindered Festival class that is in front of it.
Not to forget there are special parking facilities, VIP lounge, meet & greet and limited merchandise bonuses for VIP ticket holders 1.
Ticket Festival Fare B Rp. 140,000 Festival A Rp. 175.000 VIP 2 Rp. 450.000 and VIP 1 Rp. 1.250.000 and can be obtained online.