Two Big Names Dropped at Panasonic Gobel Awards 2017

Two Big Names Dropped at Panasonic Gobel Awards 2017
JAKARTA - Despite achievements, big names and unquestioned popularity, these two actors and actresses are not included in the list of nominees Panasonic Gobel Awards (PGA) 2017. Yes, Reza Rahadian and Dian Sastrowardoyo, not included in any category in the event that now entered in the 20th year.
Reza and Dian's name is not unimaginable viewers. Through a survey conducted earlier, both names entered in the choice of people.
"When we check the name of the actor and actress, come out the name of Reza Rahadian and Dian Sastrowardoyo, but we dropped," said Head of Comitte Panasonic Gobel Awards, Farhan in Jakarta, Monday (18/9).
The deletion of these two names is more because they do not exist on television screen. While as is known, PGA is an event that is destined for the artists in the television industry.
"They never attended as actors on television, just often as guest stars on talk shows," he added.
Selection of nomine names in this event itself starting from August 2016 - July 2017 through research conducted by Roy Morgan with direct survey method to 2.0000 respondents television viewers in 23 major cities in 17 provinces throughout Indonesia.
To find out, the favorite program, viewed from the top of mind viewers for the program that aired between August 2016 - July 2017. And viewers themselves have been able to start choosing since 19 September to 19 October 2017 through the voting system via SMS.
Meanwhile, for the category of children's program, PGA 2017 is still not able to make a winner in this category as program that can be recommendations for Indonesia children's.
"In this year we still use the favorite choice system from viewers for children program, maybe next year we try to use the jury selection system," said Wendy Syofyan, Chairman of Panasonic Gobel Awards 2017.
Complete Nomination in Panasonic Gobel Awards 2017:
Drama Series Category:
1. Anak Jalanan (RCTI)
2. Anak Langit (SCTV)
3. Dunia Terbalik (RCTI)
4. Jodoh Wasiat Bapak (ANTV)
5. Tukang Ojek Pengkolan (RCTI)
Quiz/Game Show Category:
1. Baper (RCTI)
2. Berpacu Dalam Melodi (TRANS 7)
3. Mikrofon Pelunas Hutang (IVM)
4. Super Deal (ANTV)
5. Super Family 100 (TV One)
Music/Variety Show Category:
1. Bintang Pantura (IVM)
2. Break Out (NET)
3. Dahsyat (RCTI)
4. Golden Memories (IVM)
5. Inbox (SCTV)
Comedy/Drama Comedy Category:
1. Indonesia Lawak Klub (TRANS 7)
2. Ok Jek (NET)
3. Opera Van Java (TRANS 7)
4. Pesbukers (ANTV)
5. Waktu Indonesia Bercanda (NET)
Talkshow Program Category:
1. Hitam Putih (TRANS 7)
2. Ini Talk Show (NET)
3. Kick Andy (METRO TV)
4. Mata Najwa (METRO TV)
5. Rumah Uya (TRANS 7)
Sport Program Category:
1. BCA Indonesia Open 2016 (TRANS 7)
2. Go Jek Traveloka Liga 1 (TV One)
3. Liga 2 (TV One)
4. One Pride MMA (TV One)
5. Piala Presiden 2016 (SCTV)
Children's and Animation Program Category:
1. Adit & Sopo Jarwo (MNCTV)
2. Dunia Binatang (TRANS 7)
3. Keluarga Somat (IVM)
4. Laptop Sie Unyil (TRANS 7)
5. Si Bolang Bocah Petualang (TRANS 7)
News Program Category
1. Buletin Indonesia Siang (GLOBAL TV)
2. Selamat Malam Indonesia (ANTV)
3. Dunia Dalam Berita (TVRI)
4. Kabar TVONE (TV ONE)
5. Kompas Malam (KOMPAS TV)
6. Lensa Indonesia Sore (RTV)
7. Lintas Siang (MNCTV)
8. Liputan 6 Petang (SCTV)
9. Metro Hari Ini (Metro TV)
10. Net 12 News (NET)
11. Patroli (IVM)
12. Redaksi TRANS 7 (TRANS 7)
13. Reportase TRANS TV (TRANS TV)
14. Seputar Indonesia (RCTI)
15. Sepecial Report Edisi Somalia (Inews)
Current Affair Program Category
1. Bedah Kasus (TV ONE)
2. Jejak Kasus (KOMPAS TV)
3. Menyingkap Tabir (TV ONE)
4. Reportase Investigasi (TRANS TV)
5. Telusur (TV ONE)
FTV Program Category
1. Cinta Bersemi Di Padang Ilalang (SCTV)
2. Cinta Di Kandang Kuda (SCTV)
3. Diam Diam Cinta (SCTV)
4. Ketupat Dan Tangisan Ibu (IVM)
5. Romansa Cinta Di Kandang Bebek (TRANS TV)
Spesial Event Program Category
1. Amazing 14 (GLOBAL TV)
2. Breaking News Misteri Kematian Mirna, Edisi: Vonis Jesica (INEWS)
3. Debat Publik Pilkada DKI 2017 (METRO TV)
4. Insert Fashion Award 2017 (TRANS TV)
5. Kilau Raya 25 (MNC TV)
6. Malam Puncak HUT 26 SCTV Satu Untuk Semua (SCTV)
7. NET.3.0 Presents Indonesia Choice Awards 2016 (NET TV)
8. Pemilihan Puteri Indonesia (IVM)
9. Pesbukers Special Lebaran (ANTV)
10. Pesta Sahabat (RTV)
11. RCTI 27 Anniversary Celebration (RCTI)
12. Sunslink Hijab Hunt 2017 (TRANS 7)
13. Merekatkan Bangsa (TV ONE)
14. Rosi dan Kandidiat Pemimpin Jakarta (KOMPAS TV)
Indonesia Film Theatere Category
1. Me vs Mami (RCTI)
2. The Doll (ANTV)
3. Warkop DKI Reborn: Jangkrik Boss Part 1 (SCTV)
Individual Category
Local Actor
1. Adly Fairuz
2. Agus Kuncoro
3. Ammar Zoni
4. Dude Herlino
5. Stefan William
Local Actress
1. Dewi Persik
2. Irish Bella
3. Natasha Wilona
4. Prilly Latuconsina
5. Ranty Maria
Quiz/Game Show Host
1. Eko Patrio
2. Denny Cagur
3. David Bayu/David Naif
4. Uya Kuya
5. Helmi Yahya
Music/Variety Show/Talent/Reality Show Host
1. Andhika Pratama
2. Irfan Hakim
3. Raffi Ahmad
4. Ramzi
5. Rina Nose
Local Comedian
1. Andre Taulany
2. Azis Gagap
3. Cak Lontong
4. Parto Patrio
5. Sule
Jury Choice
Director of Drama Series
1. Anak Langit (SCTV)
2. Angling Darma (RTV)
3. Dunia Terbalik (RCTI)
4. Jodoh Wasiat Bapak (ANTV)
5. Keluarga Gokil (GLOBAL TV)
6. Super Dede 2 (MNC TV)
Script Writer of Drama Series
1. Anak Langit (SCTV)
2. Angling Darma (RTV)
3. Dunia Terbalik (RCTI)
4. Jodoh Wasiat Bapak (ANTV)
5. Keluarga Gokil (GLOBAL TV)
6. Super Dede 2 (MNC TV)
Drama Series Theme Song
1. Anak Langit (SCTV)
2. Angling Darma (RTV)
3. Dunia Terbalik (RCTI)
4. Jodoh Wasiat Bapak (ANTV)
5. Keluarga Gokil (GLOBAL TV)
6. Super Dede 2 (MNC TV)
News Presenter
1. Anastasya Putri
2. Dian Mirza
3. Djati Darma
4. Prabu Revolusi
5. Senandung Nacita
Host of Entertainment Talkshow
1. Andre Taulany
2. Deddy Corbuzier
3. Feni Rose
4. Sule
5. Uya Kuya
Host of Current Issue Talkshow
1. Aiman Witjaksono
2. Andy F noya
3. Karni Ilyas
4. Najwa Shihab
5. Rosiana Silalahi
Reza and Dian's name is not unimaginable viewers. Through a survey conducted earlier, both names entered in the choice of people.
"When we check the name of the actor and actress, come out the name of Reza Rahadian and Dian Sastrowardoyo, but we dropped," said Head of Comitte Panasonic Gobel Awards, Farhan in Jakarta, Monday (18/9).
The deletion of these two names is more because they do not exist on television screen. While as is known, PGA is an event that is destined for the artists in the television industry.
"They never attended as actors on television, just often as guest stars on talk shows," he added.
Selection of nomine names in this event itself starting from August 2016 - July 2017 through research conducted by Roy Morgan with direct survey method to 2.0000 respondents television viewers in 23 major cities in 17 provinces throughout Indonesia.
To find out, the favorite program, viewed from the top of mind viewers for the program that aired between August 2016 - July 2017. And viewers themselves have been able to start choosing since 19 September to 19 October 2017 through the voting system via SMS.
Meanwhile, for the category of children's program, PGA 2017 is still not able to make a winner in this category as program that can be recommendations for Indonesia children's.
"In this year we still use the favorite choice system from viewers for children program, maybe next year we try to use the jury selection system," said Wendy Syofyan, Chairman of Panasonic Gobel Awards 2017.
Complete Nomination in Panasonic Gobel Awards 2017:
Drama Series Category:
1. Anak Jalanan (RCTI)
2. Anak Langit (SCTV)
3. Dunia Terbalik (RCTI)
4. Jodoh Wasiat Bapak (ANTV)
5. Tukang Ojek Pengkolan (RCTI)
Quiz/Game Show Category:
1. Baper (RCTI)
2. Berpacu Dalam Melodi (TRANS 7)
3. Mikrofon Pelunas Hutang (IVM)
4. Super Deal (ANTV)
5. Super Family 100 (TV One)
Music/Variety Show Category:
1. Bintang Pantura (IVM)
2. Break Out (NET)
3. Dahsyat (RCTI)
4. Golden Memories (IVM)
5. Inbox (SCTV)
Comedy/Drama Comedy Category:
1. Indonesia Lawak Klub (TRANS 7)
2. Ok Jek (NET)
3. Opera Van Java (TRANS 7)
4. Pesbukers (ANTV)
5. Waktu Indonesia Bercanda (NET)
Talkshow Program Category:
1. Hitam Putih (TRANS 7)
2. Ini Talk Show (NET)
3. Kick Andy (METRO TV)
4. Mata Najwa (METRO TV)
5. Rumah Uya (TRANS 7)
Sport Program Category:
1. BCA Indonesia Open 2016 (TRANS 7)
2. Go Jek Traveloka Liga 1 (TV One)
3. Liga 2 (TV One)
4. One Pride MMA (TV One)
5. Piala Presiden 2016 (SCTV)
Children's and Animation Program Category:
1. Adit & Sopo Jarwo (MNCTV)
2. Dunia Binatang (TRANS 7)
3. Keluarga Somat (IVM)
4. Laptop Sie Unyil (TRANS 7)
5. Si Bolang Bocah Petualang (TRANS 7)
News Program Category
1. Buletin Indonesia Siang (GLOBAL TV)
2. Selamat Malam Indonesia (ANTV)
3. Dunia Dalam Berita (TVRI)
4. Kabar TVONE (TV ONE)
5. Kompas Malam (KOMPAS TV)
6. Lensa Indonesia Sore (RTV)
7. Lintas Siang (MNCTV)
8. Liputan 6 Petang (SCTV)
9. Metro Hari Ini (Metro TV)
10. Net 12 News (NET)
11. Patroli (IVM)
12. Redaksi TRANS 7 (TRANS 7)
13. Reportase TRANS TV (TRANS TV)
14. Seputar Indonesia (RCTI)
15. Sepecial Report Edisi Somalia (Inews)
Current Affair Program Category
1. Bedah Kasus (TV ONE)
2. Jejak Kasus (KOMPAS TV)
3. Menyingkap Tabir (TV ONE)
4. Reportase Investigasi (TRANS TV)
5. Telusur (TV ONE)
FTV Program Category
1. Cinta Bersemi Di Padang Ilalang (SCTV)
2. Cinta Di Kandang Kuda (SCTV)
3. Diam Diam Cinta (SCTV)
4. Ketupat Dan Tangisan Ibu (IVM)
5. Romansa Cinta Di Kandang Bebek (TRANS TV)
Spesial Event Program Category
1. Amazing 14 (GLOBAL TV)
2. Breaking News Misteri Kematian Mirna, Edisi: Vonis Jesica (INEWS)
3. Debat Publik Pilkada DKI 2017 (METRO TV)
4. Insert Fashion Award 2017 (TRANS TV)
5. Kilau Raya 25 (MNC TV)
6. Malam Puncak HUT 26 SCTV Satu Untuk Semua (SCTV)
7. NET.3.0 Presents Indonesia Choice Awards 2016 (NET TV)
8. Pemilihan Puteri Indonesia (IVM)
9. Pesbukers Special Lebaran (ANTV)
10. Pesta Sahabat (RTV)
11. RCTI 27 Anniversary Celebration (RCTI)
12. Sunslink Hijab Hunt 2017 (TRANS 7)
13. Merekatkan Bangsa (TV ONE)
14. Rosi dan Kandidiat Pemimpin Jakarta (KOMPAS TV)
Indonesia Film Theatere Category
1. Me vs Mami (RCTI)
2. The Doll (ANTV)
3. Warkop DKI Reborn: Jangkrik Boss Part 1 (SCTV)
Individual Category
Local Actor
1. Adly Fairuz
2. Agus Kuncoro
3. Ammar Zoni
4. Dude Herlino
5. Stefan William
Local Actress
1. Dewi Persik
2. Irish Bella
3. Natasha Wilona
4. Prilly Latuconsina
5. Ranty Maria
Quiz/Game Show Host
1. Eko Patrio
2. Denny Cagur
3. David Bayu/David Naif
4. Uya Kuya
5. Helmi Yahya
Music/Variety Show/Talent/Reality Show Host
1. Andhika Pratama
2. Irfan Hakim
3. Raffi Ahmad
4. Ramzi
5. Rina Nose
Local Comedian
1. Andre Taulany
2. Azis Gagap
3. Cak Lontong
4. Parto Patrio
5. Sule
Jury Choice
Director of Drama Series
1. Anak Langit (SCTV)
2. Angling Darma (RTV)
3. Dunia Terbalik (RCTI)
4. Jodoh Wasiat Bapak (ANTV)
5. Keluarga Gokil (GLOBAL TV)
6. Super Dede 2 (MNC TV)
Script Writer of Drama Series
1. Anak Langit (SCTV)
2. Angling Darma (RTV)
3. Dunia Terbalik (RCTI)
4. Jodoh Wasiat Bapak (ANTV)
5. Keluarga Gokil (GLOBAL TV)
6. Super Dede 2 (MNC TV)
Drama Series Theme Song
1. Anak Langit (SCTV)
2. Angling Darma (RTV)
3. Dunia Terbalik (RCTI)
4. Jodoh Wasiat Bapak (ANTV)
5. Keluarga Gokil (GLOBAL TV)
6. Super Dede 2 (MNC TV)
News Presenter
1. Anastasya Putri
2. Dian Mirza
3. Djati Darma
4. Prabu Revolusi
5. Senandung Nacita
Host of Entertainment Talkshow
1. Andre Taulany
2. Deddy Corbuzier
3. Feni Rose
4. Sule
5. Uya Kuya
Host of Current Issue Talkshow
1. Aiman Witjaksono
2. Andy F noya
3. Karni Ilyas
4. Najwa Shihab
5. Rosiana Silalahi