Three Terrorist Prisoners Still Don't Recognize NKRI and Pancasila

Selasa, 19 September 2017 - 17:55 WIB
Three Terrorist Prisoners...
Three Terrorist Prisoners Still Don't Recognize NKRI and Pancasila
YOGYAKARTA - Three prisoners of terrorism case in Wirogunan Jail Yogyakarta did not recognize the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) and the ideology of Pancasila. They are very difficult to abandon the idea of radicalism even though the prisons and the police have tried to maximize their awareness.

The three prisoners are Sali bin Wasiyo (59), prisoner of terrorist network in Poso, Fahrudin bin Wa'Ali (38) terrorist prisoner who is also a relative of Ali Mahmudin who entered the search list of people (DPO) in bombing case of Thamrin, Jakarta.

Then Chatimul Chaosan bin Muhammad Toyib alias Beni (38), a prisoner who was involved in a bomb case of Kuningan, Jakarta who was caught while carrying explosives in Glodok area, West Jakarta, in March 2013 ago.

"We have given them a letter of statement to acknowledge the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and the ideology of Pancasila but do not want," said Chief of Wirogunan Prison Yogyakarta, Suherman on the sidelines of the visit of Public Relations Division of National Police Headquarters and Yogyakarta Regional Police in Wirogunan Prison, Tuesday (19/9).

According to Suherman, the country is difficult to give remission or forgiveness if they do not recognize the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and Pancasila.

"We will not give a remission to those who do not recognize NKRI despite its good behavior," he said.

On this visit, the police gave Al Quran to the three inmates as part of the deradicalization program that was being intensified by the Public Relations Division of the National Police Headquarters and the Yogyakarta Regional Police in order for them to abandon the idea of radicalism.

Both Beni, Said, and Fahrudin did not say much when receiving Al Quran by the Director of Intelligence of Yogyakarta Regional Police, Commisaris Police Nanang Junimawanto.

Beni still smiles when spoken to, while Said and Fahrudin are silent without expression.

Beni's guardian in Wirogunan Prison, Tri Agus revealed that Beni was willing to mingle with other prisoners and pray together. Even Beni was willing to be joked and not shut down like other prisoners.

"If invited to the ceremony, respect red white flag or things that are NKRI still refuse," said Tri.

Head of Sub Directorate IV Security Directorate of Intelligence Yogyakarta Regional Police AKBP Sigit Hariyadi revealed, deradicalization program conducted routinely twice a week, both to the community and the inmates.

The question of giving Al Qur'an to the prisoners is done so that the prisoners of terrorism cases are aware of the deviations committed and returned to the true teachings.

"We hope they realize that what is done is wrong," he said.
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