Against The Flow, This Music Labels Collaborate Two Things

Against The Flow, This Music Labels Collaborate Two Things
JAKARTA - Not many new labels brave againts the 'flows'. This is what Oka Music Entertainment (OME) did, recently.
Through WinSas Project, this label collaborates Sasando, a traditional NTT music instrument with EDM music. And singer Winda Saskia who is now migrated from dangdut genre to pop, is believed to run this idealist project.
"It took courage to move on. In this project, I tried to combine EDM with ethnic music represented by Sasando," Winda said in Jakarta on Sunday (17/9).
In next time, OME will create a collaboration of East Timorese artists with Indonesian artists or musicians.
"OME becomes a place for East Timor talents to enter the Indonesian music industry," said WInda, who is also believed to be the East Timor Art Ambassador.
"Because through culture and music, we can realize the friendship of two countries, East Timor with Indonesia," added Obio Salsinha, artist from East Timor who also joined in OME and recently received an award from the Indonesian Achievement Institute (LEPRID).
Then, what is the specific reason of WinSas Project to unite sasando with EDM?
"If not preserved, Sasando can be extinct. Only a handful of people can play Sasando. We are collaborating with EDM for Sasando to be visited by young people. In order for young people to like Sasando, then there is the desire to learn it, "said Winda.
Through WinSas Project, this label collaborates Sasando, a traditional NTT music instrument with EDM music. And singer Winda Saskia who is now migrated from dangdut genre to pop, is believed to run this idealist project.
"It took courage to move on. In this project, I tried to combine EDM with ethnic music represented by Sasando," Winda said in Jakarta on Sunday (17/9).
In next time, OME will create a collaboration of East Timorese artists with Indonesian artists or musicians.
"OME becomes a place for East Timor talents to enter the Indonesian music industry," said WInda, who is also believed to be the East Timor Art Ambassador.
"Because through culture and music, we can realize the friendship of two countries, East Timor with Indonesia," added Obio Salsinha, artist from East Timor who also joined in OME and recently received an award from the Indonesian Achievement Institute (LEPRID).
Then, what is the specific reason of WinSas Project to unite sasando with EDM?
"If not preserved, Sasando can be extinct. Only a handful of people can play Sasando. We are collaborating with EDM for Sasando to be visited by young people. In order for young people to like Sasando, then there is the desire to learn it, "said Winda.