Watch Mikuya Dance Fever be 'Endemic' Recently

Kamis, 14 September 2017 - 13:49 WIB
Watch Mikuya Dance Fever...
Watch Mikuya Dance Fever be 'Endemic' Recently
JAKARTA - In these weeks, Instagram users in Indonesia enlivened with a unique dance movement challenge inspired by the ad of Mikuya Ramen.

Ranging from individuals to communities from various circles are challenging each other to perform a dance movement that is named # mikuyadance. Until today, the #mikuyadance tag is already posted by over 600 accounts on instagram and with a total view of over 2 million views.

Most recently, artist Tyas Mirasih via her Instagram account does not want to miss to do the #MikuyaDance movement. She even challenged the followers of her Instagram account to do a similar dance.

"Gotta admit the jingle is catchy enough to make you dance like this. Let's do #MikuyaDance guys! " write Tyas in post #MikuyaDance on her Instagram account.

A dance movement featuring scenes in a Mikuya Ramen television commercial starring Japanese actor Yuta Koseki was first posted by an instagram user named Jeanice Ang, with an @jeaniceang account.

According to Jeanice, she performed the #MikuyaDance movement spontaneously after being challenged by her followers on Instagram while performing a live streaming activity.

"So here it is, my own version of #MikuyaDance. Ha ha ha ha. Well, who knows this can be acquainted as senpai Yuta Koseki," said Jeanice through post in her Instagram account when released the first #MikuyaDance movement.

Jeanice, who also has more than a hundred thousand followers on Instagram also admitted that she made #MikuyaDance not only because it was challenged by her followers.
Watch Mikuya Dance Fever be 'Endemic' Recently

When she saw the ad of Mikuya Ramen on television, this beautiful Jakarta girl felt the movement made by Yuta Koseki when starring in Mikuya Ramen ads look unique.

"At first somewhat uncomfortable, but after do it, I feel more confident. I am more free in expression. So that's why get flexible, don't be against... !! "commented Jeanice.

Mikuya dance also made various circles, even an online motorcycle taxi driver. An Instagram account on the life of an online motorcycle taxi, posted a video depicting three online motorcycle taxi drivers from different uniforms doing #MikuyaDance. The account states that while uniforms are different on the road, the online motorcycle taxi drivers can unite because #MikuyaDance.
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