Yusuf Mansur Requested Don't be Anxious

Yusuf Mansur Requested Don't be Anxious
JAKARTA - The reporters who reported Ustadz Yusuf Mansur (UYM) related the alleged fake investment in Condotel Moya Vidi confirmed, since reporting the case, did not even mention PayTren business. Although the origin of this case begins from that business.
"For me, if not have mistake, do not need to be anxious. From beginning, I did not mention anything about PayTren business in report to the East Java Police. I think, all can be seen in my exemination (BAP)," said one of reporter the case, Sudarso Arief Bakuama in Jakarta, Wednesday (13/9).
Sudarso along with a number of alleged fake investment victims of Condotel Moya Vidi reported UYM to East Java Police with police report number LPB/742/VI/2017/UM/JATIM. East Java Police itself has increased the status of the investigation of this case.
"We increased the status of investigation into an investigation since we held the case in early August," said Director of Special Criminal Polda Jatim, Commissioner Yudha Wibowo on Friday (8/9).
Agung explained that after the title and raising the status of the investigation, the next process is to call the parties concerned in this case.
"We call the reported, witnesses, if necessary to summon experts, the process is still long until the last time we call the reported," he said.
Sudarso himself as a victim, appreciated the performance of East Java Police that has increased the status of investigation into an investigation since filing this case report in June.
According to him, with the increased status of this case becomes an investigation, that meaning East Java Police investigators have seen the existence of criminal elements in alleged fraud committed UYM.
Previously, through his legal counsel, Ina Rachman, Yusuf Mansur said will not obstruct the investigation process and give full space to the police to solve the case.
"Related (alleged fake investment) case handled by East Java Police, whatever the community reports to him, we will received. He is not angry and will follow all the process," Ina said in Jakarta on Saturday (9/9).
"For me, if not have mistake, do not need to be anxious. From beginning, I did not mention anything about PayTren business in report to the East Java Police. I think, all can be seen in my exemination (BAP)," said one of reporter the case, Sudarso Arief Bakuama in Jakarta, Wednesday (13/9).
Sudarso along with a number of alleged fake investment victims of Condotel Moya Vidi reported UYM to East Java Police with police report number LPB/742/VI/2017/UM/JATIM. East Java Police itself has increased the status of the investigation of this case.
"We increased the status of investigation into an investigation since we held the case in early August," said Director of Special Criminal Polda Jatim, Commissioner Yudha Wibowo on Friday (8/9).
Agung explained that after the title and raising the status of the investigation, the next process is to call the parties concerned in this case.
"We call the reported, witnesses, if necessary to summon experts, the process is still long until the last time we call the reported," he said.
Sudarso himself as a victim, appreciated the performance of East Java Police that has increased the status of investigation into an investigation since filing this case report in June.
According to him, with the increased status of this case becomes an investigation, that meaning East Java Police investigators have seen the existence of criminal elements in alleged fraud committed UYM.
Previously, through his legal counsel, Ina Rachman, Yusuf Mansur said will not obstruct the investigation process and give full space to the police to solve the case.
"Related (alleged fake investment) case handled by East Java Police, whatever the community reports to him, we will received. He is not angry and will follow all the process," Ina said in Jakarta on Saturday (9/9).