ATR/BPN Bekasi Regency Apply IT Application

Selasa, 22 Agustus 2017 - 03:03 WIB
ATR/BPN Bekasi Regency...
ATR/BPN Bekasi Regency Apply IT Application
BEKASI - The government on Sunday, August 20, 2017 handed over 7,500 land certificates to citizens of Jabodetabek which symbolically give by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in Jakarta.

President Jokowi is currently pursuing land certification in Indonesia. Based on the records of the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning (ATR)/Land Agency (BPN), from 126 million fields of land in Indonesia, only 46 million are certified, the remaining 80 million are not.

Jokowi asked the Ministry of ATR/BPN to quickly complete the certification of 80 million plots of land throughout Indonesia.

"Be careful now, I'll keep track of my certificates, no one to play this business. I warn all of them, everything must be fast, everything should be served," said Jokowi.

In order to realize the work plan with this fast and cheap service, ATR/BPN office of Bekasi regency made Information and Technology (IT) innovation to accelerate service. Approximately 1,100 certificates for Bekasi Regency are planned be given to the community.

"Now is the era of internet and digitalization, we apply the technology to simplify and accelerate the management of data and services to the community," said Head of BPN Bekasi, Deni Santo, recently.
ATR/BPN Bekasi Regency Apply IT Application

For the people of Bekasi and surrounding areas, continued Deni, can get service information and complain about the certificate handling to no 0822 0882 0022. In the future, BPN Bekasi will use the WhatssApp (WA)

"By calling the number, people can feel easy to take care of the certificate as long as the requirements and procedures are met, everything will be quickly served.
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