Minister Arif Yahya Reminds This to 38 Beautiful Princess

Kamis, 17 Agustus 2017 - 17:14 WIB
Minister Arif Yahya...
Minister Arif Yahya Reminds This to 38 Beautiful Princess
JAKARTA - Culinary tourism becomes an important part of Indonesian tourism development. So, do not hesitate if Minister of Tourism (Menpar), Arief Yahya entrust this matter to Tourism Princess 2017 finalists who was undergoing quarantine.

"This is to be remembered by the finalists, 30 percent of foreign tourists spending during their visit to Indonesia is spent on culinary. You should know this," said Minister of Tourism, Arif Yahya at Welcome Dinner Tourism Princess 2017 in Jakarta recently.

Ministry of Tourism (Kemenpar), he
said has set three major culinary tourism destination for Indonesia.

"Each of Bali, Bandung and Jogja-Solo-Semarang (Joglo Semar)," he said.

For information, the Princess Tourism Indonesia 2017
election night will be held on 25 August at the SMESCO Building, Jakarta. In the prestigious event, there are 38 participants who will compete strictly.

Later on stage, they must answer questions from Minister, Arief Yahya within 30 seconds. Of the 38 participants will be trimmed into the top 10 and the big 5.

Of the top 5 this first rank will be Putri Tourism Indonesia 2017. While the other four finalists will hold the title of Miss Marine Tourism, Miss Culinary, Miss Eco Tourism and Miss Coffee, according to the ratings they earn.
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