Toraja Buffalo in Java Land: Part of Conservation, Education and Alternative Tourism

Minggu, 13 Agustus 2017 - 10:45 WIB
Toraja Buffalo in Java...
Toraja Buffalo in Java Land: Part of Conservation, Education and Alternative Tourism
BOGOR - Now, not need go to way if you want to see a typical Toraja buffalo that cost hundreds of millions to one billion rupiah. The striped buffaloes are the absolute requirement of Toraja customs ceremony, South Sulawesi, currently in Java land and not far from Jakarta, precisely in PT Inagro located in Ciseeng, Bogor regency, West Java.

"We are trying to do conservation, and for now there is no desire to be traded," said Onny Untung as a consultant PT Inagro, recently.

The existence of buffalo itself is not even a year. And now is trying to be mated with local buffalo to get new breeds of Toraja typical buffalo which is already a few of number.

To note, PT Inagro itself is a plantation that has an area of 76 hectares. In order to realize the complete plantation concept, besides of course have plantation components, PT Inagro also caught it with livestock and agrotourism.

"This will be a complementary unity. We also have a culture laboratory for a number of plants such as teak, durian, pineapple, glutinous taro and all kinds of banana-pisangan namely shrimp banana, abaca, king fur, cavendish, mas, apu, uli and kepok. As well as flowers, to Stevia, whose leaves produce a natural sweetness 40 times more than the sweetness of sugar cane," explained the responsible officer in culture laboratory, Maria Imelda.

Former senior researcher at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) said, currently network culture has an important role in the advancement of agricultural technology in Indonesia. With this technology, capable of generating disease-free seeds in large quantities of the same quality.

PT Inagro also develops fish breeding such as eel, cork, catfish and ornamental fish species of Black Ghost.

"We also have breeding peacock and Axis deer species," explains Onny.
Toraja Buffalo in Java Land: Part of Conservation, Education and Alternative Tourism

Plantation area of PT Inagro is also equipped with a means of supporting agrotourism like bike and jogging track, a training building, cafeteria, auditorium, pavilion, hall, meeting space and lodging.

For those who love outbound activities, PT Inagro owns Inagro Training Center, an Outdoor Management Training (OTM) which has experience developing Human Resource (SDM) with free nature and Experiential Learning methodology.

"Inagro open wide for all people to come see and gain knowledge as well as nature tour. Especially later in the fruit season, our garden will be more interesting to visit," said Onny.
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