When Seven Indonesian Presidents 'Talking' Together

Sabtu, 12 Agustus 2017 - 23:29 WIB
When Seven Indonesian...
When Seven Indonesian Presidents 'Talking' Together
JAKARTA - If you come to Epiwalk Epicentrum, Jakarta from 11 to 17 August, you should not be surprised if see seven Indonesian presidents 'talking' together. Woow...how could that be?

Of course it is impossible in real world. But even if only limited to painting, this is of course enough to make amazed.

"If about painting it, I have a lot of references. But it's difficult and it takes a long time to think about it when looking for the theme of uniting these seven presidents on one occasion. The same thing when I'm paint another figure, the painting process can be only half an hour, but the process of contemplation which takes time," said the painter of '72 Indonesian Character and 7 Presidents of RI', Sohieb Toyaroja in Jakarta, Friday (11/8).

One of the visitors who amazed was Bambang Sulistomo. Bung Tomo's son admitted very impressed with the painting of seven presidents of Indonesia entitled 'Obrolan 7 Presiden'

"It's great. Very good. The painter and writer has worked well and is able to pioneer the love and pride of the characters and heroes in an elegant way. Calm but inflame," said Bambang.
When Seven Indonesian Presidents 'Talking' Together

No wonder if the painting which measuring 260 cm x 460 cm is a masterpiece exhibition held by Muhammadiyah
Hamka University (Uhamka) with Rajata Kreatif Nusantara.

"Muhammadiyah is implementing the construction of the museum, so the paintings of these figures will be able to fill it. We take care and cultivate the struggle of our characters so that the history of the glory of the nation is not interrupted in our generation," said Chairman of Muhammadiyah, Prof. Dadang Kahmad in the opening speech of the exhibition.

Uhamka Rector, Prof Suyatno said, this painting exhibition is also one way to be grateful for the independence of the Indonesian nation.

"We remember and appreciate our characters. Understand and cultivate the spirit of their struggle, so thought and blood sacrificed to reach and fill the independence is not scattered in vain," said Suyatno.

The painting of '72 Indonesian Characters and 7 Presidents of RI' is entirely by Sohieb Toyaroja. Each painting comes with a special story written by Roso Daras, which is then packed into a 953-page book entitled 'The Struggle of Being
Indonesia Not a Bloodless'. With the book, the paintings of the nation's figures are 'alive' and as if ready to attend to share experiences about Indonesia.

"Our national history should not be cut off. From here it can be understood that Uhamka demonstrates the commitment and determination to maintain the sustainability of nation and state travel," said Lily Wahid, sister of 4th President Abdurrahman Wahid who was also present at this event.
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