No One Wants Block Investment in North Sumatra

No One Wants Block Investment in North Sumatra
JAKARTA - For decades, forest in ulayat land belonging Kingdom of Padang Lawas (Huristak), North Sumatera cultivated by user without any clear compensation. Dozens of land users have for years worked on the land to be oil palm plantations.
"Initially, status of the ulayat lands at post-independence is status quo. In the early 80's, big entrepreneurs entered and got permission from the government through the Forest Concession (HPH), they bought the land from the community," said King of Huristak XII, Tondi Hasibuan in Jakarta, recently.
Attempts to file a lawsuit over ownership of this customary land have been carried out since 1985. Even in 2011, the kingdom has pocketed Supreme Court (MA) No 47P/HUM/2011 which decision requiring the Ministry of Forestry and Environment (KLH) issued a new Decree (SK) on the designation of forest areas in the Province of North Sumatra, in accordance with applicable law provisions, or with respect to the new Regency/Municipality.
"This Supreme Court's verdict which we are now continuing to fight for, the royal heirs want ulayat rights back in accordance with the Supreme Court's verdict, one of which restores the function of the forest as a conservation land," said Tondi.
He explained, In the ulayat land of the kingdom, dozens of foreign-owned plantations and national property buy land from the community without a valid title of ownership.
"We estimate about 30 companies are now working on 300 thousand hectares of ulayat land," said Tondi again.
However, the royal party denied if the legal measures that they are currently doing as an effort to obstruct the investment climate, economy and business in North Sumatra.
"We only want the ulayat right back in accordance with the Supreme Court's verdict. There is compensation, but it is not inhibiting, for us the forest is the source of life, our kingdom is passed down from the first king Huristak using the customary law of forestry. So, that the conservation of nature is maintained. There is a win-win solution," said Padang Lawas Kingdom Adviser, Hamilan Hasibuan.
"Initially, status of the ulayat lands at post-independence is status quo. In the early 80's, big entrepreneurs entered and got permission from the government through the Forest Concession (HPH), they bought the land from the community," said King of Huristak XII, Tondi Hasibuan in Jakarta, recently.
Attempts to file a lawsuit over ownership of this customary land have been carried out since 1985. Even in 2011, the kingdom has pocketed Supreme Court (MA) No 47P/HUM/2011 which decision requiring the Ministry of Forestry and Environment (KLH) issued a new Decree (SK) on the designation of forest areas in the Province of North Sumatra, in accordance with applicable law provisions, or with respect to the new Regency/Municipality.
"This Supreme Court's verdict which we are now continuing to fight for, the royal heirs want ulayat rights back in accordance with the Supreme Court's verdict, one of which restores the function of the forest as a conservation land," said Tondi.
He explained, In the ulayat land of the kingdom, dozens of foreign-owned plantations and national property buy land from the community without a valid title of ownership.
"We estimate about 30 companies are now working on 300 thousand hectares of ulayat land," said Tondi again.
However, the royal party denied if the legal measures that they are currently doing as an effort to obstruct the investment climate, economy and business in North Sumatra.
"We only want the ulayat right back in accordance with the Supreme Court's verdict. There is compensation, but it is not inhibiting, for us the forest is the source of life, our kingdom is passed down from the first king Huristak using the customary law of forestry. So, that the conservation of nature is maintained. There is a win-win solution," said Padang Lawas Kingdom Adviser, Hamilan Hasibuan.