Dream of Dude Harlino in His Hometown

Dream of Dude Harlino in His Hometown
JAKARTA - After being blessed with his second child, actor Dude Harlino finally able to realize his dream of opening a business in his own hometown. This Minang bloody actor has just inaugurated his souvenir outlet named 'Lapis Minang Nantigo', some time ago in Padang, West Sumatra.
The opening of this souvenir outlet can not be separated from the success of the Jogja Scrummy (JS) culinary business in Yogyakarta, which has now grown into four branches.
"Padang has long been my concern. And now I just can realize my desire to be able to do something with his own hometown. Outlet souvenir 'Lapis Minang Nantigo' is the answer," said husband of Alyssa Soebandono in Jakarta, Saturday (5/8).
Grand opening event of 'Lapis Minang Nantigo', said Dude, begins with traditional arts performances of Pencak Silat. Present on that occasion, Padang Mayor, Mahyeldi Ansharullah and also friend of Dude, Teuku Wisnu.
Padang city people are also very enthusiastic to come to the Dude outlet. They are willing to queue up, just to try the delicious cakes that are in the outlet.
"Hopefully now and so on, the enthusiasm of society remains great. So even with local and foreign tourists who come to the city of Padang. Now can bring gifts that we serve," Dude said.
He explained, the name 'Lapis Minang Nantigo' and its form derived from Minang philosophy, namely Tigo Tigo Sajarangan, Tigo Sapilin Tali. The term for the leader of Minang adat shoot is the penghulu, pious cleric, and cadiak clever as a wise decision maker.
Five flavor variants are provided, each is Nantigo Chocolate, Nantigo Red Velvet, Nantigo Oreo, Nantigo Greentea and Nantigo Cheese.
"Me and business associates in Padang expect Lapis Minang Nantigo can increase the culinary wealth of Minang and support the tourism of West Sumatra. Hopefully we can open another branch in Padang. Please pray and support," pleaded Dude.
The opening of this souvenir outlet can not be separated from the success of the Jogja Scrummy (JS) culinary business in Yogyakarta, which has now grown into four branches.
"Padang has long been my concern. And now I just can realize my desire to be able to do something with his own hometown. Outlet souvenir 'Lapis Minang Nantigo' is the answer," said husband of Alyssa Soebandono in Jakarta, Saturday (5/8).
Grand opening event of 'Lapis Minang Nantigo', said Dude, begins with traditional arts performances of Pencak Silat. Present on that occasion, Padang Mayor, Mahyeldi Ansharullah and also friend of Dude, Teuku Wisnu.
Padang city people are also very enthusiastic to come to the Dude outlet. They are willing to queue up, just to try the delicious cakes that are in the outlet.
"Hopefully now and so on, the enthusiasm of society remains great. So even with local and foreign tourists who come to the city of Padang. Now can bring gifts that we serve," Dude said.
He explained, the name 'Lapis Minang Nantigo' and its form derived from Minang philosophy, namely Tigo Tigo Sajarangan, Tigo Sapilin Tali. The term for the leader of Minang adat shoot is the penghulu, pious cleric, and cadiak clever as a wise decision maker.
Five flavor variants are provided, each is Nantigo Chocolate, Nantigo Red Velvet, Nantigo Oreo, Nantigo Greentea and Nantigo Cheese.
"Me and business associates in Padang expect Lapis Minang Nantigo can increase the culinary wealth of Minang and support the tourism of West Sumatra. Hopefully we can open another branch in Padang. Please pray and support," pleaded Dude.