Through Superqurban, Dhuafa Can be Enjoyed Rendang

Through Superqurban, Dhuafa Can be Enjoyed Rendang
JAKARTA - Rendang becomes one of the world's favorite cuisine. This taste of cuisine from Minang land is already global and become the most popular cuisine.
For that reason Rumah Zakat (RZ) in this year launched an innovation in the form of variants processed qurban meat into rendang in cans packaging called Superqurban Rendang.
Previous Rumah Zakat has processed the qurban meat into Superqurban Kornet, this year will be processed into Superqurban Rendang because rendang much preferred by the community.
"The global public survey released by CNN Travel is one indication that rendang tastes are in demand by many levels of society, including the beneficiary community who are assisted by Rumah Zakat," said CEO of Rumah Zakat, Nur Efendi in Jakarta on Monday (31/7).
He conveyed, Rumah Zakat hope Superqurban Rendang can increase the benefits qurban of Indonesian people. Since October 2016 - July 2017, Rumah Zakat has distributed 217,057 cans of Superqurban Kornet to various regions in Indonesia and abroad.
"Superqurban is distributed among others as one of the foods that can be consumed directly by people affected by the disaster," he said.
Regarding the process of Superqurban program, he explained, first, Rumah Zakat empower the farmers in the regions. Rumah Zakat manages it and integrates the breeders at one point. So at that point can be checked the health of qurban animal.
At the time of Eid al-Adha the cattle were slaughtered for sacrifice. Of course the qurban animals that are slaughtered must conform to the Islamic Shari'a. After that the meat of the qurban animal is processed into Superqurban.
"This processing, from cutting to processing, a maximum of one month, then distributed throughout Indonesia," he explained.
Rumah Zakat has cooperated with a company to process sacrificial meat into Superqurban Kornet and Rendang. Usually all the qurban meat that is processed into Superqurban finished processed within a month.
"So, do not be half in helping the poor and dhuafa, we give the best food," he said.
For that reason Rumah Zakat (RZ) in this year launched an innovation in the form of variants processed qurban meat into rendang in cans packaging called Superqurban Rendang.
Previous Rumah Zakat has processed the qurban meat into Superqurban Kornet, this year will be processed into Superqurban Rendang because rendang much preferred by the community.
"The global public survey released by CNN Travel is one indication that rendang tastes are in demand by many levels of society, including the beneficiary community who are assisted by Rumah Zakat," said CEO of Rumah Zakat, Nur Efendi in Jakarta on Monday (31/7).
He conveyed, Rumah Zakat hope Superqurban Rendang can increase the benefits qurban of Indonesian people. Since October 2016 - July 2017, Rumah Zakat has distributed 217,057 cans of Superqurban Kornet to various regions in Indonesia and abroad.
"Superqurban is distributed among others as one of the foods that can be consumed directly by people affected by the disaster," he said.
Regarding the process of Superqurban program, he explained, first, Rumah Zakat empower the farmers in the regions. Rumah Zakat manages it and integrates the breeders at one point. So at that point can be checked the health of qurban animal.
At the time of Eid al-Adha the cattle were slaughtered for sacrifice. Of course the qurban animals that are slaughtered must conform to the Islamic Shari'a. After that the meat of the qurban animal is processed into Superqurban.
"This processing, from cutting to processing, a maximum of one month, then distributed throughout Indonesia," he explained.
Rumah Zakat has cooperated with a company to process sacrificial meat into Superqurban Kornet and Rendang. Usually all the qurban meat that is processed into Superqurban finished processed within a month.
"So, do not be half in helping the poor and dhuafa, we give the best food," he said.