Wins in US, This Indonesian Robot Possible Help Human Life

Senin, 31 Juli 2017 - 02:45 WIB
Wins in US, This Indonesian...
Wins in US, This Indonesian Robot Possible Help Human Life
JAKARTA - Proud achievement achieved by Indonesian robotics team from Depok TechnoNatura International Madrasah. This robotic team won a silver medal in the innovation and creativity category at the FIRST Global Challenge 2017 which held in Washington DC, US on July 16-18.

TechnoNatura students have won several awards at regional and national robotics competitions; hence, the US Embassy in Jakarta had recommended them to participate in the FIRST Global Challenge.

In the competition themed 'Access to Clean Water', the participants had to design and create a robot that can clean the river of waste. During the contest, the river water was simulated using blue balls and the waste with orange balls. The winners were the robots that got the best points in the waste separation competition.

This robot has been part of the learning process of the students, and the team comprised 10 students and three mentors, since elementary level.

In addition to the competition, which was based on collecting points, the committee bestowed eight awards in several qualitative categories, such as the Zang Heng Award for engineering process, Ustadz Lahori Award for innovation and creativity, as well as Einstein Award for overall engineering performance.

"From the beginning, we wanted to build a robot that can not only collect big points but also win other awards. Hence, our design of Wowwi (the robots name) was optimally made using available components," said principal of TechnoNatura Madrasah, Tras Rustamaji in Jakarta, Saturday (29/7).

He added, Wowwi is different from other robots. While the other robots collected the ball and carried it to the target, this robot fired it on the target. The Wowwi robot is equipped with a turret that can rotate and launcher that can rise and fall to form the desired elevation angle.

"Wowwi garnered praises from the jury visitors and pitstop Indonesian team," he said.

One of team member, Raditya A Rafi added, at this time, function of this robot still in the academic stage. But it possible in the future can be used as a tool that can help human life.

"The basic idea already exists, in the future it can be developed again. Currently, its function is still for academic," said Rafi.
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