This Former Grocers Become Inspiration for Charly Setia Band

Jum'at, 28 Juli 2017 - 07:12 WIB
This Former Grocers...
This Former Grocers Become Inspiration for Charly Setia Band
JAKARTA - The life of Charly Van Houten or also known as Charly Setia Band now very well. In addition to singers, Charly also known as a cool-handed songwriter. Various types of business also he woke up and still running until now.

But Charly did not get
all that in overnight. There is a long process that makes it learn to solve every problem that comes.

"I have a long process, from singing around in Bandung, living in rent house. Alhamdulillah, now given this way from God," said Charlie in Jakarta, recently.

The lesson, Charly says, can come from anywhere and anyone. Easy example is his old friend who became one source of his spirit for not to give up easily.

"My friend is Muhammad Daud, he is my friend from a very difficult time. He was a somay grocers and also expelled from a rented house and now he is a big company owner," said Charly.

Aside from being a somay grocers, Charly recounts, his friend who is a child of a pedicab driver, also had become a shoe polisher, collector of used goods and porter at Pasar Tebet, South Jakarta.

But today, Daud is the owner of Dior Beauty MSI, which has more than 1.3 million partners across Indonesia.

"He is not show as owner, hanging out, eating anywhere, and from there I also learn not to be arrogant even though many people consider us a success," added the former ST12 band personnel.

Daud himself was proud to be friends with Charly. There is one song of Charly's that became his favorite, because it really describes his life journey.

"I like song 'Istana Bintang', it's really like my life. When I'm hard to get lost, but when I'm success much trying to get closer. And person who I do not know try to act like a brother," David said.
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