Bullying at Gunadarma University, Change.org Asked Government Fulfill This

Bullying at Gunadarma University, Change.org Asked Government Fulfill This
JAKARTA - Muhammad Farhan, Gunadarma University student who has special needs bullied by his three college friends.
In video footage duration about 15 seconds, look Farhan bag pulled when he walk alone. Farhan fights, but one of bully's black-shirted friends keeps pulling him. The other two students just laughed at Farhan.
A number of other students around him just applauded that incident. After escaping from clutch of his friend, Farhan went. However, Farhan had thrown the trash towards to the preparators of bully. This video was first posted on IG story: @julliocrazy account. This video became viral and reaped netizen criticism.
This incident that hit MF show a disparaging social outlook. Even when the victim is trying to defend himself to be a joke and a shouting cry.
This situation is very deep concern. Law No. 8 of 2016 states that in Article 42, paragraph 3, that each Higher Education Provider shall facilitate the establishment of a Disability Services Unit.
Whereas in Article 145 states Every Person who barred and/or prohibited Persons with Disabilities to obtain rights as in Article 143 shall be punished with imprisonment for a maximum of 2 (two) years and a maximum fine of Rp. 200,000,000 (two hundred million rupiah). Article 143 point a describes the warnings of every person who prevents Persons with Disabilities from obtaining the right to education.
Because of the above, some people who are members of the Movement of People for the Care of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on change.org website expressed their condemnation and asked the government and related parties to fulfill the following matters:
1. Criticize the inhumane actions and behavior of those who are students.
2. Condemn all forms of social outlook that lead to humiliation, degrading to the victim.
3. For all students involved and enliven such vile acts shall be given social sanction and awareness on Rights of Disabled Rights.
4. The penalty of social sanction shall be 5 consecutive years following the activities of Persons with Disabilities, at least 2 times per month.
5. Demanding perpetrators and students who witnessed such nefarious acts to get guidance from their respective parents and not to repeat his actions again.
6. Campus parties to immediately socialize how to interact with Person with Disabilites by taking into consideration the rights of Person with Disabilites pursuant to Law No. 8 of 2016 on Persons with Disabilities by involving Person with Disabilites organizations.
7.Asked Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education as a responsible sustainability of Higher Education immediately conduct an evaluation of inclusive education that does not pay attention to the rights of Persons with Disabilities at the University of Gunadarma and prevent it from happening again in all the universities in Indonesia.
8. This event shall be of concern to all Higher Education institutions on the importance of disseminating the rights of Persons with Disabilities to all its academicians by opening the Service of Persons with Disabilities and incorporating Persons with Disabilities in their respective acts.
9. Whereas the rights and status of persons with disabilities constitutionally have the same position in the eyes of law, society, education and government.
10. Persons with disabilities as citizens with special needs, physical, intellectual or sensory, will face obstacles that can hinder their full and effective participation in society, based on the principle of equality with citizens in general.
Meanwhile, Gunadarma University is certain to impose sanctions on the bully against Farhan. However, the form of sanctions provided by the campus has not been mentioned details.
"According to the rules, there are sanctions given, what form, can not be decided before the completion (investigation)," said Vice Rector III of Student Affairs, Gunadarma University, Irwan Bastian in Depok, Monday (17/7).
Gunadarma University until now still continue to find out the truth of this problem. Campus parties have been digging information from perpetrators and victims. So far the number of bully perpetrators against Farhan still numbered three people.
"My name is not detailed, but there are three people," he said.
Irwan asserted that his side seriously handled this students actions because it has defamed the campus. Therefore, the investigation process is still being carried out even though the perpetrator has apologized.
"The perpetrator has come to the victim's house and the classmates have expressed regret and apologize," he explained.
In video footage duration about 15 seconds, look Farhan bag pulled when he walk alone. Farhan fights, but one of bully's black-shirted friends keeps pulling him. The other two students just laughed at Farhan.
A number of other students around him just applauded that incident. After escaping from clutch of his friend, Farhan went. However, Farhan had thrown the trash towards to the preparators of bully. This video was first posted on IG story: @julliocrazy account. This video became viral and reaped netizen criticism.
This incident that hit MF show a disparaging social outlook. Even when the victim is trying to defend himself to be a joke and a shouting cry.
This situation is very deep concern. Law No. 8 of 2016 states that in Article 42, paragraph 3, that each Higher Education Provider shall facilitate the establishment of a Disability Services Unit.
Whereas in Article 145 states Every Person who barred and/or prohibited Persons with Disabilities to obtain rights as in Article 143 shall be punished with imprisonment for a maximum of 2 (two) years and a maximum fine of Rp. 200,000,000 (two hundred million rupiah). Article 143 point a describes the warnings of every person who prevents Persons with Disabilities from obtaining the right to education.
Because of the above, some people who are members of the Movement of People for the Care of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on change.org website expressed their condemnation and asked the government and related parties to fulfill the following matters:
1. Criticize the inhumane actions and behavior of those who are students.
2. Condemn all forms of social outlook that lead to humiliation, degrading to the victim.
3. For all students involved and enliven such vile acts shall be given social sanction and awareness on Rights of Disabled Rights.
4. The penalty of social sanction shall be 5 consecutive years following the activities of Persons with Disabilities, at least 2 times per month.
5. Demanding perpetrators and students who witnessed such nefarious acts to get guidance from their respective parents and not to repeat his actions again.
6. Campus parties to immediately socialize how to interact with Person with Disabilites by taking into consideration the rights of Person with Disabilites pursuant to Law No. 8 of 2016 on Persons with Disabilities by involving Person with Disabilites organizations.
7.Asked Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education as a responsible sustainability of Higher Education immediately conduct an evaluation of inclusive education that does not pay attention to the rights of Persons with Disabilities at the University of Gunadarma and prevent it from happening again in all the universities in Indonesia.
8. This event shall be of concern to all Higher Education institutions on the importance of disseminating the rights of Persons with Disabilities to all its academicians by opening the Service of Persons with Disabilities and incorporating Persons with Disabilities in their respective acts.
9. Whereas the rights and status of persons with disabilities constitutionally have the same position in the eyes of law, society, education and government.
10. Persons with disabilities as citizens with special needs, physical, intellectual or sensory, will face obstacles that can hinder their full and effective participation in society, based on the principle of equality with citizens in general.
Meanwhile, Gunadarma University is certain to impose sanctions on the bully against Farhan. However, the form of sanctions provided by the campus has not been mentioned details.
"According to the rules, there are sanctions given, what form, can not be decided before the completion (investigation)," said Vice Rector III of Student Affairs, Gunadarma University, Irwan Bastian in Depok, Monday (17/7).
Gunadarma University until now still continue to find out the truth of this problem. Campus parties have been digging information from perpetrators and victims. So far the number of bully perpetrators against Farhan still numbered three people.
"My name is not detailed, but there are three people," he said.
Irwan asserted that his side seriously handled this students actions because it has defamed the campus. Therefore, the investigation process is still being carried out even though the perpetrator has apologized.
"The perpetrator has come to the victim's house and the classmates have expressed regret and apologize," he explained.