This Mom Ready Naked if Her Child Not Accepted in School

Kamis, 13 Juli 2017 - 01:52 WIB
This Mom Ready Naked...
This Mom Ready Naked if Her Child Not Accepted in School
SOUTH TANGERANG - A housewife in South Tangerang (Tangsel) commonly called Mpok Ida ready to perform a bare-chested action if her child does not pass the New Student Acceptance (PPDB) at school close to her neighborhood.

Some relatives believe that this ridiculous action can really happen because Mpok Ida has been known to be brave and daring. But they hope Mpok Ida discouraged it.

Hikmah, one of the citizens of Pondok Aren, admitted very familiar with figure of Mpok Ida. This woman is known as a person who dared to do something.

"As a woman I feel concerned about the form of her bare acts of action, especially if she wearing hijab, also beautiful person, but if she can choose another form of action that is more elegant," he explained.

Hikmah assess the disappointment of Mpok Ida can be understood. But she regretted the form of action to be selected Mpok Ida, which is bare-chested.

Similar disclosed by
Encu, Mpok Ida other relatives. Residents of Jurang Mangu Barat is admitted disappointed with the attitude of Mpok Ida who want to perform a bare chest action in front of the SMPN 12 school gate.

"She still has a relationship with me, I'm very sorry if the action really happened, because it would make a big family embarrassment," said Encu.
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