Allegedly Deceiving, Pastors Reported by His Congregation

Minggu, 18 Juni 2017 - 13:21 WIB
Allegedly Deceiving,...
Allegedly Deceiving, Pastors Reported by His Congregation
JAKARTA - A minister was reported to the police over alleged embarrassment of his congregation's funds. The congregation named David Rahardja reported the pastor initials RS to North Jakarta Police.

"That's right
I reported the pastor's RS. Actually, I will just explain to the media after examination of a number of witnesses by police," David said in Jakarta on Saturday (17/6).

Told by David, he know RS from a church meeting in Kelapa Gading. In next time, RS then borrows money for business and transfer of assets also inheritance as well as notarial payments and transfer taxes. RS promises to return it twice as much.

"While borrowing, RS admitted that it will take care of the transfer of assets from a well-known businessman from Indonesia, which is a hotel and big malls. According to him, he will change hands to its name, totaling Rp533 million," Said David.

Now, David hopes the police can follow up the report he made at North Jakarta Police with the number TBL/691/K/VI/2017/PMJ/ RESJU.
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