See Joyous of Street Sweepers and Traders When Get Ramadan Package

Sabtu, 10 Juni 2017 - 04:26 WIB
See Joyous of Street...
See Joyous of Street Sweepers and Traders When Get Ramadan Package
JAKARTA - There are still many poor people (dhuafa) who have not received help in Ramadan month this year make Initiasiatif Zakat Indonesia (IZI) needs to intervene.

Located at the corner of Kota Bambu Utara, Palmerah subdistrict, West Jakarta, where the majority of its citizens are the livelihood of street sweepers, traders and scavengers, IZI along with Volunteer Agent held 300 Ramadan packages.

"We will continue to provide assistance to locations that are confirmed to be assisted, as this concerns the responsibility of the institution in the management and distribution of zakat, infak and shodaqoh funds, so that the trust can be accounted for," said President Director of IZI, Wildhan Dewayana at Jakarta, Friday (9/6).

IZI Empowerment Manager, Haryono added, Ramadhan package that is distributed consists of basic needs and basic needs worth Rp300 thousand plus compensation.

"Our hope they can perform the worship quietly in the remaining time of this Ramadan," said Haryono.
See Joyous of Street Sweepers and Traders When Get Ramadan Package

Not only street sweepers and street traders, in this moment IZI along with Panin Dubai Syariah Bank (PDSB) also distributed 300 Ramadan packages to orphans and dhuafa.

"This program is what we mean as the day of our independence, we are happy with Ramadan coming, let us consider Ramadan as the last Ramadan so we will implement it fully," said Operational Director of Panin Dubai Sharia, Edi Setiawan.

He told, should be noted that Panin Dubai Syariah Bank under Bank Panin is engaged in sharia transaction.

"We apologize if only this year PDSB can get acquainted with the residents in here, even though our place is close together," said Edy.

PDSB, continued Edy already suportted IZI through home program. In October last year PDSB also has made a mass circumcision.

Meanwhile, Head of North Bambu City village, Ina Ariyani would like to extend his gratitude to IZI and PDSB for the event in his region which in fact the population mostly from middle to lower class.

"I hope that this event is not enough until here, but still there in the coming years. Hopefully programs like mass donations and other programs can be implemented here," she hoped.
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