Rp31 Billion Can be Channeled by IZI in One Year

Senin, 29 Mei 2017 - 00:28 WIB
Rp31 Billion Can be...
Rp31 Billion Can be Channeled by IZI in One Year
JAKARTA - During month of Ramadhan in this year, National Zakat Institute (LAZ) Inisiatif Zakat Indonesia (IZI) prepared 1,500 packages to be given to poor families.

The Ramadan package distribution program was held in 16 IZI representative offices throughout Indonesia. Assisted by volunteers of the IZI "Good Kind Agent", they list the citizens of duafa throughout Indonesia. Package Ramadan given in the form of basic food packages and basic necessities.

As IZI did in Pondok Gede, East Jakarta, recently. IZI went to Sudiyatmi, a poor people (dhuafa). A package ahead of Ramadan was handed over to the janitor's widow.

"IZI strives to be an amil zakat institution that facilitates the Indonesian community, either giving convenience to the mustahik and giving convenience to the community (muzakki) who want to provide assistance through IZI," said President Director of
IZI, Wildhan Dewayana when delivering aid to Sudiyatmi.

"We also empowered volunteers whom we call the 'IZI Goodness Agent' who records and finds the dhuafa we will distribute the aid of. They are t
ake photos of the house and the orphans in question, we will decide whether it is worth it or not," he added.

IZI has also prepared various programs including, tarhib Ramadan with 'IZI Goodness Agent'
volunteers, Ifthor post service by providing free fasting meal. Performed at 30 points in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi (Jabodetabek).

In addition there is also a big meal with orphans with Chef Ragil, Seven minutes (Kultum)
Live Chat Facebook every day before breaking the fast and delivery programs named Dai Zakat Nusantara in 16 provinces and abroad.

"This year we distributed Rp31 billion, while last year Rp26 billion," said Wildhan.
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