Fachri Endorsed and Fadli Walk Out
Jum'at, 28 April 2017 - 15:35 WIB

Fachri Endorsed and Fadli Walk Out
JAKARTA - The House of Representatives (DPR) officialy endorsed the right of inquire into the investigation process at Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).
"Well, we think we have concluded using the right of inquiry, thank for all friends," said Vice Chairman of the House, Fahri Hamzah and knocked the court hammer to deliver interruption in plenary session at Parliament House, Jakarta, Friday (29/4).
Although a number of factions rejected the right of this KPK questionnaire, Fahri as the chairman of the trial still knocked the hammer. Fahri decision to knock the hammer in protest. A number of members of the faction who rejected the proposed right of inquiry such as Gerindra, Democrat, and PKB walkout.
Seeing this walk-out action, Fahri then said the plenary session has not ended. He said the next agenda is the closing speech of the session presented by the Speaker of the House.
Fahri also offers lobbying forum to all factions after the Speaker's speech. This appeal was ignored, a number of members of the KPK's refusal inquiry faction still decided to walk out.
"We are disappointed in the leadership of the hearing that did not accommodate the votes of members of the House," said Secretary of PKB Fraction, Cucun Ahmad Syamsurijal in front of the courtroom.
In addition to members of the KPK questionnaire fraction, walk-out action was also apparent from the leadership table.
Vice Chairman of the House, Fadli Zon who was originally sitting at table led the leadership walk out as did other Gerindra faction members.
"I was asked to join the faction, coordination," Fadli said shortly.
The questionnaire proposal originated from the desire of a number of members of Commission III to request the KPK to open a recording of Miryam R Haryani, a member of the Hanura faction in the investigation of the corruption case of the electronic identity card (e-KTP) project.
In an examination at the Corruption Court (Corruption), investigator Novel Baswedan revealed Miryam was pressured by a number of members of the House of Representatives Commission III.
Do not accept considered pressing, some members of Commission III asked KPK to open the recording of Miryam examination. KPK refused on the grounds that it can not be done because of the investigation.
"Well, we think we have concluded using the right of inquiry, thank for all friends," said Vice Chairman of the House, Fahri Hamzah and knocked the court hammer to deliver interruption in plenary session at Parliament House, Jakarta, Friday (29/4).
Although a number of factions rejected the right of this KPK questionnaire, Fahri as the chairman of the trial still knocked the hammer. Fahri decision to knock the hammer in protest. A number of members of the faction who rejected the proposed right of inquiry such as Gerindra, Democrat, and PKB walkout.
Seeing this walk-out action, Fahri then said the plenary session has not ended. He said the next agenda is the closing speech of the session presented by the Speaker of the House.
Fahri also offers lobbying forum to all factions after the Speaker's speech. This appeal was ignored, a number of members of the KPK's refusal inquiry faction still decided to walk out.
"We are disappointed in the leadership of the hearing that did not accommodate the votes of members of the House," said Secretary of PKB Fraction, Cucun Ahmad Syamsurijal in front of the courtroom.
In addition to members of the KPK questionnaire fraction, walk-out action was also apparent from the leadership table.
Vice Chairman of the House, Fadli Zon who was originally sitting at table led the leadership walk out as did other Gerindra faction members.
"I was asked to join the faction, coordination," Fadli said shortly.
The questionnaire proposal originated from the desire of a number of members of Commission III to request the KPK to open a recording of Miryam R Haryani, a member of the Hanura faction in the investigation of the corruption case of the electronic identity card (e-KTP) project.
In an examination at the Corruption Court (Corruption), investigator Novel Baswedan revealed Miryam was pressured by a number of members of the House of Representatives Commission III.
Do not accept considered pressing, some members of Commission III asked KPK to open the recording of Miryam examination. KPK refused on the grounds that it can not be done because of the investigation.