Jakarta Election Should Peace, Honest and Fair

Selasa, 18 April 2017 - 21:54 WIB
Jakarta Election Should...
Jakarta Election Should Peace, Honest and Fair
JAKARTA - Police has stressed that mass mobilization on the day of the Jakartas gubernatorial election on April 19 would not be necessary.

"I think there is no need for mass mobilization to Jakarta because we have the mechanism of election. We have it all here in Jakarta, we have Bawaslu (Election Supervisory agency), witnesses, independent observers and media," Indonesian Police Chief, Gen. Tito Karnavian said at Jakarta on Monday.

"If there is any mass mobilization that tends to intimidate, the police would take legal action and in a more strict language, we could detain the perpetrators for at least 24 hours," he added.

The police would detain those who committed criminal act, carried weapons, and intimidate people.

"We can take legal action against them," Tito reiterated.

The police, he said, have deployed some 65,000 personnel, including 20,000 police personnel, 15,000 military and civil defence personnel. Under such a tight security, hopefully Jakarta will be safe and we assure that Jakartans could vote freely," Tito said.

The ban on mass mobilization was not only aimed at the movement called Tamasya Al-Maidah (Al-Maidah Tour), but also mobilization by other parties.

"The ban is not only applied for Tamasya Al-Maidah, but all parties, supporters of both candidates," the police chief added.

Meanwhile, legal practitioner, Ferry Juan saw the organization of the elections of Jakarta as a democratic party Jakarta residents are increasingly successful. Even to the second round, both of candidate become a potential Jakarta leaders who are equally expected by the citizens of Jakarta for five years.

But in the eyes of the law, Ferry saw differently to one c
andidate. Why?

"If talking before the law clearly inconsequential because after all, like it or not, in the fact c
andidate number two is currently in the status of the accused in case which is being tried in court. How can it be if wins then turns the court decides guilty and will be punished if still rule the government of Jakarta. Event like this, he added is first time in the world.

"And I do not know why this happened or our government
not really running the system. This can be a time bomb," said Ferry Juan in Jakarta, Tuesday (18/4).

e need leaders who are not only able to work, but also we need a leader who can build the moral and mental for future of this nation," added Ferry.

He hopes,
as a leader can work in accordance with the wishes of the people and keep the hearts of the ethical norms of good manners and commendable.

"May the victory is a victory for Jakarta residents who honest and fair, because Jakarta should remain safe and peaceful," said Ferry.
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