13 Miners Safe After Trapped in Gold Mine

Jum'at, 14 April 2017 - 18:42 WIB
13 Miners Safe After...
13 Miners Safe After Trapped in Gold Mine
MANADO - Thirteen miners were rescued after being trapped in the gold mine in the village of Tatelu, Jaga I, Minahasa Utara (Minut) for a dozen hours. All 13 miners into the mine pit in 42 meters deep and trapped since Thursday (13/4).

Danrem 131/Santiago, Brigadier General Sulaiman Agusto explained, at the time it was directly giving instructions to the Kasdim 1310 Bitung to work optimally and tried to rescue the 13 miners to be removed from the hole.

"I had to coordinate with the trapped miners and they reported in good condition. Then Kasdim 1310 Bitung together with Danramil Dimembe and members of Kodim 1310 Bitung started the night until the early morning to work hard to remove the miners," he said.

Sulaiman explains, hard work
a rescue team paid off and on Friday, April 14th, 2017 at 09:25 pm. One by one victims rescued, they are Ali S (35), Diki (24), Aep Mulyana (43), Nana (25), Maman (53), Nono Surpriantna (26), Ugi (24), Henry (32) Asep (42), Dian (34), Karno (50), Ali (19) and Asep Hopim (30).

"The victim name Asep, Diki and Ali were evacuated to the
Walanda Maramis hospital cause mild dehydration," he explained.
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