Herbs Medicinal, Friend or Foe?

Jum'at, 07 April 2017 - 19:16 WIB
Herbs Medicinal, Friend...
Herbs Medicinal, Friend or Foe?
MEDAN - The use of herbal medicine as a substitute for medical drugs at once alternative healing needs to come back in earnest. In United States (US) and Europe, consumption of medicinal plants for prevention and treatment are increasing, but not in Indonesia.

Professor of Clinical Pharmacology of the Faculty of Medicine, University of North Sumatra (USU), Prof. dr. H. Aznan Lelo, Ph.D., SpFK.
argues, herbal medicine widely used by Indonesian people but less accepted among doctors.

This is because of the limitations of writing prescriptions for finished dosage, while herbal medicine available in various shapes and require separate processing or compounding before use.

"The freedom of people use herbal medicine is necessary because herbs are not spared from the adverse effects. Not to mention interactions when administered in conjunction with modern medicine or willing to become, in combination with other herbal remedies or with the daily diet, so that herbal remedies can be a friend, it could be opposed, "said Prof. dr. Aznan Lelo, PhD., SpFK. on health seminar "The Role of Complementary
and Alternative Medicine in Medical Management of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) Type 2" in Medan, North Sumatra, recently.

In his presentation 'Herbs
Medicinal, Friend or Foe', the winner of 2017's Kick Andy Heros said government efforts to promote the use of herbal medicines needs to be supported with complete information dissemination of herbal medicine itself with proven clinical evidence.

"For colleagues who understand and believe with the advantages of herbal medicine can tell the patients with clear information, so that the patient's right to use and derive benefits," he said.
Herbs Medicinal, Friend or Foe?

According to him, Sozo Manggata Formula 1 (Soman) is one of the traditional medicine that could be a 'friend' because it has been proven clinic for the treatment of diabetes.

"Based on what is done by the soman, I rate Soman was friend, not foe. Not because I was invited diacara this, and then I said Soman was my friend, but look what has been done during this Soman, from the assessment of the use of raw materials to study at UGM," he said.

According to the rules of the World Health Organization (WHO) if you want to use a medicinal plant material, you should use medicinal plants as a whole. The rules, he added, is not meant to be carried out, but should be reviewed which parts can be used to get the benefits. For example, roots, stems, or fruit are expected to benefit the body.

"Soman has been reviewing these things, then collected, then mixed up into products that try to humans and was efficacious," he concluded.
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