Here's A New Chapter of Rossa

Kamis, 06 April 2017 - 08:03 WIB
Heres A New Chapter...
Here's A New Chapter of Rossa
JAKARTA - Number of 21 years is not short time for person in world of entertainment. In the middle of the competition, especially in music industry, not easy for singer to survive. But in fact, Rossa managed to build its presence in the Indonesian music scene for two decades.

But, behind the success of this singer from Sumedang, West Java, many problems and obstacles in her way. In fact, boredom and want to finish her career in the music industry also had alighted.

"In 2015 I had boredom
experienced, more precisely I do not know want to make an album or singles just like anything else. Almost all the things I've done. I'm thinking would stop singing and moving overseas," said Rossa in Jakarta, Wednesday (5/4).

She had already been looking for a place to stay in Sydney, Australia. However, the blessing of parents prevented her moving out from Indonesia.

"At first I want to sell my assets, continues to move to Sydney. I'm also find house in Sydney. But my parents did not allow me (to move)," she continued.

When she was in boredom and not knowing what to make work much less, this 38-year singer met famous
vocalist which songwriter in Indonesia, Rian 'D'Massiv'.

At that time, she got an offer for the soundtrack 'ILY From 38,000 FT'
movie with song titled 'Jangan Hilangkan Dia' which created Rian 'D'Massiv'.

"Frankly, Rian directly send the lyrics, and then I immediately creeps, titled Jangan Hilangkan Dia'. When I read, is it's same as with movie script, I immediately love it and the song was also turning point of my boredom," she said.
Here's A New Chapter of Rossa

According to her, she did not take long for a love the song. She only takes about 20 seconds to decide whether the song is good or not.

"It's been habit if I heared a new song in 20 seconds, I could've told you, I like or do not like the song. Indeed, 20 seconds beginning of the song should be catchy, so that people could love (with the song)," she said.

In the album titled 'A New Chapter', there are
nine Rossa new songs. Four songs in English and produced in Los Angeles by involving several musicians. Among them, Rian d'Masiv, Pay, Dewiq, Taufik Bastiah, and several other musicians.

The ninth song is 'Body Speak', 'Break Up', 'Cinta Dalam Hidupku', 'Till My Heart Stops Beating', 'Firefly', 'Bukan Maksudku', 'Telah Mencoba', 'Satu Hal Yang Bodoh', and 'Jangan Hilangkan Dia'.
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