Ridho Rhoma Inappropriate for Rehabilitated

Rabu, 29 Maret 2017 - 21:26 WIB
Ridho Rhoma Inappropriate...
Ridho Rhoma Inappropriate for Rehabilitated
JAKARTA - Related rehabilitation efforts for dangdut singer Ridho Rhoma who caught consume methamphetamine at Saturday, March 25, 2017, National Anti-Narcotics Movement (Granat) assess the rehabilitation efforts do not deserve to be given on Ridho.

Granat rated, excessive methamphetamine
consumption done by son King of Dangdut Rhoma Irama has indicated Ridho are not addicts.

"If an addict, he shall be rehabilitated. Consumption in excess conducted Ridho was not an addict. He shall be severely punished," said Chairman of Granat, Henry Yosodiningrat in Jakarta, Wednesday (29/3).

Previously, results of investigation and
Ridho confession to the police, this dangdut singer intense using methamphetamine every day without a break within six months.

To his lawyer, Ridho admitted to taking methamphetamine for weight loss. This statement differs from West Jakarta Police Chief Commisioner Royce Harry Langie said, Ridho use
methamphetamine to perform excellent.

Henry also supported the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of Jakarta did not provide recommendations to Ridho rehabilitation. While the Drugs West Jakarta Police, Henry asked to undertake decisive steps with a guided process of law.

Meanwhile, West Jakarta Drug Police
, Adj Commisioner Suhermanto explain still coordinating with assemen team of BNN Jakarta. This coordination was filed on Ridho rehabilitation.

"Today we begin assemen, starting from medical tests. Later tests themselves be two stages and is determined by a team of doctors," said Suhermanto.

Related questions completions of docket, Suhermanto said, continuing this process. Filing was done it for sake of speeding up the case to the court.

"After that, we leave it to prosecutor," he said.

Meanwhile, Brotherhood of Drug V
ictims (PKN) Bandung ask police to use its authority to rehabilitate every victim of narcotics. They assess, not all suspected drug users to obtain services.

"PKN Bandung
welcome for efforts placement suspected drug users into rehabilitation place. Unfortunately, not all suspected drug users for these services," said Aga, PKN Bandung Coordinator in press release on Sunday (26/3).

Since 1981, the Criminal Procedure Code have confirmed that the suspect drug users should be held in place and a place of care. But in fact, said Aga, the placement process suspected drug users into the new rehabilitation occurs 4-5 in recent years and not all suspected drug users to get access to SSR assessment of expert or
integrated assessment team (TAT) to determine whether they need to be placed in rehab or not.

Until now, added Aga, police procedures do not apply to suspected narcotics assesment through TAT. In fact, the team has been in the form of two years ago only in cases when the suspect is artists, politicians, and wealthy people who have access.

As for ordinary citizens or who can not afford, police do not make the placement of rehabilitation places or denies the request for an assessment of the suspect.

"Based on the mentoring and monitoring performed by PKN Bandung, from 20 cases of narcotics were accompanied by only 5 people gaining access ratings of TAT. It went straight through referrals to rehab and not the verdict of rehabilitation that is given," said Aga.

According to him, the verdict given rehabilitation of court cases related to narcotics average trapped by Article 112 related to possess, store and mastering.

"In fact, which users do not keep, possess, or control of the narcotics?" he said.

Placement of suspected drug users into rehab, not only helps users to overcome the problem of withdrawal, but also to improve the condition of the biological, psychological, and social victims of drug. It was also to keep the human rights violations by the police, prisons and even inmates themselves against torture, punishment cruel and inhuman as mentioned in the Convention Against Torture ratified by Indonesia.

"We deplore the attitude of the right to an assessment of selective logging," said Aga.
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