Just Two Choice for Freeport

Sabtu, 11 Maret 2017 - 06:07 WIB
Just Two Choice for...
Just Two Choice for Freeport
JAKARTA - The government's choice to PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) only two options. First, make cuts (divestment) some shares. Second, leave from Indonesia.

This is confirmed by Commission III House Represent
ative members from PDIP, Masinton Pasaribu. He mentioned that there was no significant impact from Freeport to Papua and Indonesia.

This, it could be the continuation of the practice Nawacita momentum. The government may different political choices, but if talk to national interests, should have one language.

"The divestment of 51 percent or expelled Freeport. It was just the option. That's just the language. We are 51 percent and you wake smelter or not, yes please. You want to fire please, sent home and we can pay, but Freeport vague. It should be that way. So, want anything given that all camouflage and a mirage," said Masinton in Jakarta, Friday (10/3).

added Masinton, all treaty clause violated Freeport. President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) mentioned should still say Indonesia in my chest.

"Just we wait negotiating earlier. It has to be built in order to take profit. Freeport has been 50 years. So, the negotiations must be sane. It's momentum enforce our nationalism," he said.

KPK, said Masinton, do not just launch a data corruption Freeport. Now there is no more compromises for 50
years Freeport have despised Indonesia nation.

"Suppress the tribe who are at locations around Freeport. Freeport is actually a state within a state," he said.

He added that in 2015, Parliament had the initiative to create a special committee for questionnaire Freeport. Thus, renegotiations should be monitored very well. Do not be, there is a person who tapped it for its own sake.

"This thirst we guard very well. Do the interests of our objects is defeated," concluded Masinton.
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