KPK Officially Called Gamawan Appoint Winner of e-KTP Tender

Kamis, 09 Maret 2017 - 18:15 WIB
KPK Officially Called...
KPK Officially Called Gamawan Appoint Winner of e-KTP Tender
JAKARTA - Today, prosecutor of Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) read out the charges in a corruption trial of electronic ID card (e-KTP) procurement. Hot money that allegedly flowed into a number of political figures, one of them a former Minister of the Interior (Home Affairs) Gamawan Fauzi. In the indictment, the prosecutor called Gamawan take USD4,5 million and Rp50 million related to the project.

Prosecutors said the money was given as two ph
ases by Kemendagri partner employers Andi Augustinus alias Andi Narogong to Gamawan through Afdal Noverman. The first phase delivered in March 2011.

"US$2 million was given with the intention that tender NIK-based national identity card (e-KTP) is not canceled by Gamawan Fauzi," said KPK prosecutors at the Corruption Court, Jakarta, Thursday (9/3).

The second phase, continued prosecutor, the money amounting to US$2.5 million handed over
to Gamawan through Azmin Aulia, in June 2011. The money to expedite the process of determining the winner of the auction.

After receiving some money, Gamawan receive memos from the chairman of the committee that proposed the procurement PNRI consortium as the preferred bidder relationship can only work e-KTP 2011-2012.

Based on that proposal, Gamawan relationship can only be finally set consortium as the preferred bidder. The decision is then applied through the Minister of Home Affairs Decree No. 471.13-476 in 2011.

Not only receive hot money from Andi Narogong, prosecutors said, Gamawan also received money from his subordinates, Irman. From the hands Irman, Gamawan receive Rp50 million.

"The money is given during a working visit in Singapore, Batam, Kendari, Papua and South Sulawesi," said prosecutor.

Name of the Golkar Party Chairman Sety
a Novanto also named in the indictment. Setya denied Sugiharto and Irman indictment read by prosecutors who called his name.

In the indictment was read, Setya called allotted Rp574 billion of the total procurement value of e-ID card.

"I never received any money from e-KTP," said Setya in Jakarta, Thursday (9/3).

He claimed, had read the e-KTP
indictment leaked case since a few days ago.

"And I say what is conveyed by Rudi is my meeting with Anas, Andi Narogong and also Nazaruddin is not correct," he said.

The man who is familiarly called Setnov also denied ever meeting with former Democratic Party Treasurer, M Nazaruddin.

"I was investigated twice, had to clarify that very clear what I see, what I know and what I hear," he concluded.

Here the party called KPK prosecutors received funds e-ID card project in the indictment:

1. Gamawan Fauzi USD 4.5 million and USD 50 million
2. Diah Anggraini USD 2.7 million and USD 22.5 million
3. Drajat Wisnu Setyaan USD 615 thousand and Rp 25 million
4. Six members of the tender committee of each USD 50 thousand
5. Husni Fahmi USD 150 thousand and Rp 30 million
6. Anas Urbaningrum USD 5.5 million
7. Melcias Marchus Mekeng USD 1.4 million
8. Olly Dondokambey USD 1.2 million
9. T
amsil Lindrung USD 700 thousand
10. Mirwan Amir USD 1.2 million
11. Arief Wibowo USD 108 thousand
12. Chaeruman Harahap USD 584 thousand and Rp 26 billion
13. Ganjar Pranowo USD 520 thousand
14. Agun Gunandjar Sudarsa USD 1.047 million
15. Mustoko Weni USD 408 thousand
16. Ignatius Mulyono USD 258 thousand
17. Taufik Effendi USD 103 thousand
18. Teguh Djuwarno USD 167 thousand
19. Miryam S Haryani USD 23 thousand
20. Rindoko, Nu'man Abdul Hakim, Abdul Malik Haramaen, Jamal Aziz and Jazuli Juwaini USD 37 thousand
21. Markus Nari USD 4 billion and USD 13 thousand
22. Yasonna Laoly USD 84 thousand
23. Khatibul Umam Wiranu USD 400 thousand
24. M Jafar Hapsah USD 100 thousand
25. Ade Komarudin USD 100 thousand
26. Abraham Mose, Agus Iswanto, Andra Agusalam, and Darma Mapangara as directors of PT LEN Industri respectively Rp1 billion
27. Wahyudin Bagenda as President Director of PT LEN Industri USD 2 billion
28. Marzuki Ali Rp 20 billion
29. John Marliem USD 14.880 million and Rp 25,242,546,892
30. The other 37 members of Commission II totaled USD 556 thousand, respectively earning money ranging between USD 13 thousand to USD 18 thousand
31. Several members of the team that Jimmy Iskandar Fatmawati Tedjasusila alias Bobby, Eko Purwoko, Andi Noor, W
ahyu Setyo, Benny Akhir, Dudi, and Kurniawan each USD 60 million
32. Management together with a consortium of relationship only Rp 137 989 835 260
33. Perum PNRI Rp107,710,849,102
34. PT Artha Putra Sandipala Rp145,851,156,022
35. PT Mega Lestari Unggul
Today, the prosecutor of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) read out the charges in a corruption trial procurement of e-ID card. Hot money that allegedly flowed into a number of political figures, one of them a former Minister of the Interior (Home Affairs) Gamawan Fauzi. In the indictment, the prosecutor called the Gamawan sprayed USD4,5 million and Rp50 million related to the project.
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