See Activities of Three Candidate Ahead of Election

Selasa, 14 Februari 2017 - 21:53 WIB
See Activities of Three...
See Activities of Three Candidate Ahead of Election
JAKARTA - A day before voting Jakarta election, three candidates have different activities. Candidate activities ranging from remembrance, work visit until go to the bird market.

Number one
candidate, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono follow internal event with his family that held a remembrance in the residence of his father, the 6th President of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) at Wisma Kuningan, South Jakarta.

Number two candidate, Basuki
Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) a work visit to tomb of Mbah Priok, Koja, North Jakarta. In front of hundreds of worshipers Gubah Al Hadad and Habib Alaydrus as heir Habib Hasan bin Muhammad al Haddad alias Mbah Priok, Ahok promised to certify the land area of 5.4 hectares.

For that, Ahok come together with Head of Jakarta
Land Agency (BPN) Office, M Najib.

"All that is in walls of the IPC are property of Mbah Priok, it is clear now and stay certified, so I take it BPN here," said Ahok while visiting tomb of Mbah Priok, Tuesday (14/2).

In addition to carrying the Head of Jakarta BPN, Ahok also invite the Director of Pelindo II (IPC) Riri Syried, Head of Jakarta Tourism and Culture, Catur Laswanto, Head of Jakarta Transportation Agency Andri Yansyah and several other officials.

Ahok said Pelindo II which represents
Riri very good-natured as agreed to end a land dispute with the management of the tomb.

"If it is certified, we immediately make the tomb as a cultural heritage. So no more until we die also remain there until whenever this tomb still exists," he said.

Meanwhile, candidate number 3, Anies Baswedan fill the quiet campaign with visiting bird market in Barito, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. Anies choose to buy pigeons at one stall.

A total of four pigeons which consists of two doves and two white doves brought by Anies. When asked the purpose of buying pigeons, Anies invites media to conceal joking intent to buy pigeon.

"It may be my off tomorrow because at home no pigeon coop," he said with a laugh.

Anies will indeed release pigeon when completed voting, as a symbol of peace who wants to be presented by the former Rector of Paramadina University.
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