No More 'Harassment Women' by Trump
Kamis, 26 Januari 2017 - 18:37 WIB

No More 'Harassment Women' by Trump
JAKARTA - In recent day, thousands of women massed in the nation's capital and cities to send Donald Trump an emphatic message that they won't let his agenda go unchallenged over the next four years.
"We march today for the moral core of this nation, against which our new president is waging a war. Our dignity, our character, our rights have all been under attack and a platform of hate and division assumed power yesterday. But the president is not America... We are America and we are here to stay," actress America, Ferrera told.
The women brandished signs with messages such as "Women won't back down" and "Less fear more love" and decried Trump's stand on such issues as abortion, health care, diversity and climate change. The message reverberated at demonstrations around the globe, from Paris and Berlin to Sydney and beyond.
This early signs that the crowds in Washington could top those that gathered for Trump's inauguration on Friday.
Viewed a wave of protests from womens in US as was the case above, a woman Balinese writer who also the observer of women problem, Lusiana Sanato give special message to US President, Donald Trump.
She noted that there is a sentence of Trump which rated degrading women.
"Every woman should be appreciated whereever she came from, from any origin, social status and religion. Trump has played map of US presidential election in 2016 becomes very hot on issue of immigrant until women problems. I hope Trump no longer harassing, demeaning or issued a controversial statement for women," said Lusiana in Jakarta, Thursday (26/1).
In future, she expected Trump to release its controversial nature and be a capable leader of people's welfare.
"When viewed from Trump experience as a successful businessman in running and developing his businesses, his experience and knowledge as a businessman expected to be a major capital for repair the US economy and the impact on Indonesia," she said.
"We march today for the moral core of this nation, against which our new president is waging a war. Our dignity, our character, our rights have all been under attack and a platform of hate and division assumed power yesterday. But the president is not America... We are America and we are here to stay," actress America, Ferrera told.
The women brandished signs with messages such as "Women won't back down" and "Less fear more love" and decried Trump's stand on such issues as abortion, health care, diversity and climate change. The message reverberated at demonstrations around the globe, from Paris and Berlin to Sydney and beyond.
This early signs that the crowds in Washington could top those that gathered for Trump's inauguration on Friday.
Viewed a wave of protests from womens in US as was the case above, a woman Balinese writer who also the observer of women problem, Lusiana Sanato give special message to US President, Donald Trump.
She noted that there is a sentence of Trump which rated degrading women.
"Every woman should be appreciated whereever she came from, from any origin, social status and religion. Trump has played map of US presidential election in 2016 becomes very hot on issue of immigrant until women problems. I hope Trump no longer harassing, demeaning or issued a controversial statement for women," said Lusiana in Jakarta, Thursday (26/1).
In future, she expected Trump to release its controversial nature and be a capable leader of people's welfare.
"When viewed from Trump experience as a successful businessman in running and developing his businesses, his experience and knowledge as a businessman expected to be a major capital for repair the US economy and the impact on Indonesia," she said.