TNI Have Voting Rights, It's Dangerous!

Selasa, 20 Desember 2016 - 20:51 WIB
TNI Have Voting Rights,...
TNI Have Voting Rights, It's Dangerous!
PADANG - Related TNI personnel voting rights, Defense Minister, Ryamizard Ryacudu reiterated opposed a proposal to allow military personnel to vote in elections because it would disrupt their solidity.

"It is not the time yet. Maybe it is still too far, and I disagree with it. Why? Because if they (soldiers) have their voting rights, there will be PDIP's soldiers, Golkar's soldiers, others parties soldiers. When the party becomes involved in a conflict, these soldiers will also be involved. This is dangerous, it should not happen," Ryamizard said at State Defense Day ceremony in Padang, West Sumatra, on Monday (20/12)

Last week, during a hearing at the House of Representatives, Indonesian Military (TNI) commander General Gatot Nurmantyo asked lawmakers to reconsider the issue of voting rights to TNI members. But he suggested this should be done after 2024, when legislative, presidential and regional elections would take place simultaneously for the first time in the countrys history.

The decision to exercise voting rights for soldiers should be reviewed from many angles, he said.

For known, Indonesian Military (TNI) commander Gen. Gatot Nurmantyo has reiterated that all active personnel should be able to exercise their right to vote. However, he said, such a right was likely applicable only in the next 10 years.

“We can implement this after the 2024 simultaneous elections. You can examine the exact time for TNI members to be able to exercise their voting rights,” he told members of a special committee assigned to deliberate a bill on elections.
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