Myan­mar Become Next Target of ISIS

Minggu, 27 November 2016 - 11:57 WIB
Myan­mar Become Next...
Myan­mar Become Next Target of ISIS
KUALA LUMPUR - Crisis involving the Rohingyas could lead to in Myan­mar becoming a target of Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists.

Malaysia Defence Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said, he had discussed the issue with his counterpart in Myanmar, Lt Gen Sein Win, on the sidelines of the Asean Defence Ministers meeting in Laos two weeks ago.

“I reminded him that this is a regional issue and if left unchecked, we are worried about certain ‘hotspots’ deemed as areas that have been targeted by ISIS,” he said after attending the Kuala Lumpur International Youth Discourse prog­ramme, Saturday (26/11).

Those living in an oppressed environment might choose to join extremist groups if they were pushed into a corner, he added.

Former Asean secretary general, Dr Surin Pitsuwan, who also attended the event, lauded Malaysia’s efforts to help the Rohingyas. He said other Asean members should adopt an appropriate stand similar to Malaysia’s on the issue.

In his speech at the event, Hishammuddin said Malaysia needed to intensify efforts to curb terrorist groups.

Such measures included counter-messaging, curbing underground financial networks, deradicalising suspected extremists and monitoring movements of potential recruits.

Malaysia had established a deradicalisation centre and was now working with a Middle Eastern country to set up a centre to counter the narratives and ideologies supported by radical groups, he added. He also said returning fighters should be closely monitored.
Myan­mar Become Next Target of ISIS

Meanwhile, Indonesian Ambassador to ASEAN, Rahmat Pramono said, plan for ASEAN to convene in response to the UN statement still same as Foreign Ministry spokesperson Arrmanatha Nasir said. He simply said 'no' and instead questioned the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)’s comments.

On Monday, the ministry’s director general for Asia Pacific and African affairs, Desra Percaya, spoke with Myanmar Ambassador U Aung Htoo to express concern over the latest security situation in Rakhine state.
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