Former Direskrimum Jakarta Police Sued by Women

Selasa, 22 November 2016 - 07:29 WIB
Former Direskrimum Jakarta...
Former Direskrimum Jakarta Police Sued by Women
JAKARTA - Former Director General of the Criminal Rerserse (Direskrimum) Polda Metro Jaya (PMJ), Commissioner Krishna Murti sued by woman. Krishna who is currently serving as a middle-ranking officers in the Police Headquarters have sued pre trial by Melva Tambunan, wife of retired members of police related Termination of Investigation Warrant (SP3) issued by the Directorate General of Criminal Investigation Polda Metro Jaya.

"The case, falsification of books of marriage my husband, after my husband died there was a woman who uses marriage book to take over the property of my husband," said Melva Tambunan at district court (PN) South Jakarta, Monday (22/11)

This case has been reported to the police, but despite already having three strong evidence, the police issuing SP3.

"I've reported the person named SS to Police Headquarters and then another to the police. In the course after the investigation suddenly Krisna Murti as Dirkrimum issued a warrant termination of the investigation," she said.

According to her, the reason Krishna Murti questionable. Because in the termination letter Krishna inquiry call evidence in this case is weak.

"Evidence of these I've met all of them. There is what really stopped the case?" Melva said.

Melva pre trial lawsuit was filed to the South Jakarta District Court on November
3, 2016 and with the number 144/Pid.Prap/2016/PN.Jkt.Sel. In the petition, Melva as the applicant sued, whereas Kepolsian Head of the Republic of Indonesia, Jakarta Police Chief, General Directorate of Criminal Investigation and the Jakarta Police Department as the respondent.

To note, Melva Tambunan reported
SS to the police on suspicion of theft and embezzlement marriage certificate in January 2015 under number LP 380/1/2015 / PMJ / Ditreskrimum.
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