Intend Cash Withdrawing, This ATM Remove It

Selasa, 11 Oktober 2016 - 07:19 WIB
Intend Cash Withdrawing,...
Intend Cash Withdrawing, This ATM Remove It
JAKARTA - What would you do while withdrawing money from an ATM machine, that comes out is 'toys money'? It is not just a mere imagination but a reality.

Yeah..recently, an ATM machine in Cipete
area, South Jakarta spend 'toys money' when a customer makes cash withdrawal transactions there.

This was revealed in a
posting of netizen named Imam Satria in Instagram on Wednesday (5/10) then. According to him, his father who is a customer of famous bank in Indonesia wanted to take Rp50,000 at ATM machine at some store in Cipete, South Jakarta.

However, what happens? That comes out of the ATM machine is 'toys money'.

"So ... my father pull money Rp50 thousand of ATM Mandiri in Circle K Cipete, discharge like this. Nice joke Mandiri, but please give actual 50 thousand," chirped Imam in his Instagram account with a photo fractional piece of 'toys money'.

Along with the photos uploaded, Imam also tag the official Instagram account of the bank concerned.

Knowing these problems, bank customer service immediately give a solution to the Imam through the comments field in Instagram account. And problem solved.

"Thanks for the quick service @mandiricare," wrote Imam.

Belive it or not....
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