Psyco Problems, This Women Birthchild in Mosque

Kamis, 06 Oktober 2016 - 16:11 WIB
Psyco Problems, This...
Psyco Problems, This Women Birthchild in Mosque
JAKARTA - A woman gave birth her baby at a mosque in the area of Tambora, West Jakarta. The woman turned out to be a People With Psychiatric Problems (ODMK) and also people living with HIV-AIDS.

"She came to Tambora Puskesmas escorted residents around the mosque. It comes with the condition of the baby is born and is still connected to the placenta and the baby had not been cut. The baby was born on Tuesday (4/10) at 04.00 in the morning," said Head Section of Social Rehabilitation, West Jakarta Social Dept, Salamun in Jakarta, Thursday (6/10).

Women who do not have this family can not be invited to communicate well. So it needs special treatment in treatment.

"The woman had escaped from the health center. She fled when the health center guard. Perhaps because ODMK too. But eventually meet again," said Salamun.

That women and children receive intensive treatment, the officer of the dept bring them to the Children's Social Protection (PSP) Bhakti Kasih. This orphanage is intended specifically for women who had social problems.

"Now she and her son had been in PSP Bhakti Kasih Kebon Kosong, Central Jakarta. Because women were also infected with HIV, it needs special treatment. Officers parlors also already understand how HIV patient care," said Salamun.
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