Turkish Must Respect Indonesia Sovereignty
JAKARTA - Indonesian government will ensure not close nine school called Turkish government related Fethullah Gülen movement. Turkish government called Fethullah Gulen as the brains behind the coup attempt of military some time ago.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia, Retno LP Marsudi said that so far Indonesia has to respect the sovereignty and rules in Turkey. Therefore, he insists the Turkish Government should also be the same way.
"Indonesia also asked other countries to respect the laws and regulations in Indonesia," said Retno at the Presidential Palace Complex, Jakarta, Monday (1/8).
Related to a number of school related activities suspected Gulen and asked to shut down, Retno said, based on data obtained since 2015 the schools have ended the cooperation with Turkey.
Thus, he said, there was no reason for the Government of Turkey to close the school.
"No problems at all. The school, which will continue to run, the Education Minister had visited the school," he said.
As reported earlier, the Turkish Government through the Embassy in Jakarta requested that the nine schools in Indonesia are closed. The reason, nine schools are associated with the group Fethullah Gulen, the Turkish government figure who is accused of masterminding the coup attempt.
As reported earlier, the Turkish government, through its embassy in Jakarta called for nine schools in Indonesia are closed. The reason, the nine school-related groups Fethullah Gulen, the Turkish government figure who is accused of masterminding the coup attempt.
The Turkish government said network Fethullah Terrorist Organizations (Feto), as followers of Fethullah, is the leader of a failed coup to the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan some weeks ago.
Here are nine schools in Indonesia requested Turkey to be closed:
1. Pribadi Bilingual Boarding School, Depok
2. Pribadi Bilingual Boarding School, Bandung
3. Kharisma Bangsa Bilingual Boarding School, South Tangerang
4. Semesta Bilingual Boarding School, Semarang
5. Kesatuan Bangsa Bilingual Boarding School, Yogyakarta
6. Sragen Bilingual Boarding School, Sragen
7. Fatih Boy’s Sekolah, Aceh
8. Fatih Girl’s School, Aceh
9. Banua Bilingual Boarding School, South Kalimantan
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia, Retno LP Marsudi said that so far Indonesia has to respect the sovereignty and rules in Turkey. Therefore, he insists the Turkish Government should also be the same way.
"Indonesia also asked other countries to respect the laws and regulations in Indonesia," said Retno at the Presidential Palace Complex, Jakarta, Monday (1/8).
Related to a number of school related activities suspected Gulen and asked to shut down, Retno said, based on data obtained since 2015 the schools have ended the cooperation with Turkey.
Thus, he said, there was no reason for the Government of Turkey to close the school.
"No problems at all. The school, which will continue to run, the Education Minister had visited the school," he said.
As reported earlier, the Turkish Government through the Embassy in Jakarta requested that the nine schools in Indonesia are closed. The reason, nine schools are associated with the group Fethullah Gulen, the Turkish government figure who is accused of masterminding the coup attempt.
As reported earlier, the Turkish government, through its embassy in Jakarta called for nine schools in Indonesia are closed. The reason, the nine school-related groups Fethullah Gulen, the Turkish government figure who is accused of masterminding the coup attempt.
The Turkish government said network Fethullah Terrorist Organizations (Feto), as followers of Fethullah, is the leader of a failed coup to the government of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan some weeks ago.
Here are nine schools in Indonesia requested Turkey to be closed:
1. Pribadi Bilingual Boarding School, Depok
2. Pribadi Bilingual Boarding School, Bandung
3. Kharisma Bangsa Bilingual Boarding School, South Tangerang
4. Semesta Bilingual Boarding School, Semarang
5. Kesatuan Bangsa Bilingual Boarding School, Yogyakarta
6. Sragen Bilingual Boarding School, Sragen
7. Fatih Boy’s Sekolah, Aceh
8. Fatih Girl’s School, Aceh
9. Banua Bilingual Boarding School, South Kalimantan