Let's Not be Provoked by Medina Bomb Incident

Selasa, 05 Juli 2016 - 07:30 WIB
Lets Not be Provoked...
Let's Not be Provoked by Medina Bomb Incident
JEDDAH - Bomb blasts incidents in three cities in Saudi Arabia become a topic of considerable concern to the citizens of Indonesia. Because the proximity of Indonesia with Saudi Arabia as the country they wish to worship and the presence of two Muslim holy cities, Mecca and Medina which became the reason

Consul General (Konjen) of Indonesia in Jeddah, through the consul, Fadhly Ahmad asked Indonesia residents do not fret and be calm. He explained that there is no Indonesian citizens (WNI) who are victims of a bomb attack in Jeddah, Madinah and Qatib, Saudi Arabia, yesterday afternoon.

"Alhamdullilah, so far nothing," said Fadhly in Jeddah as reported by Antara, Jakarta, Tuesday (5/7).

Fadhly confirmed there were three bomb blasts in three cities in Saudi Arabia, which is near the US consulate in Jeddah, 500 meters from the main entrance west Nabawi Mosque in Medina and the Mosque Faraj Al Omran in Qatib.

Fadhly said since the beginning of Ramadan around 100 thousand Indonesia citizen is running pilgrimage to Mecca, and the pilgrimage and worship at Masjid Nabawi, Medina.

"They mostly take advantage of the last 10 days of Ramadan as well Eid Fitr pray at the mosque in two holy cities, Mecca and Medina," he said.

This year, according to Fadhly, number of umrah pilgrims is not as much as the fasting month of last year.

A citizen who is being worshiped at the Nabawi mosque, Lia Zahra, admitted to not knowing if there is a bomb not far from the first mosque built by Prophet Muhammad SAW.

"No wonder, there was iftar sound boom twice, but I think the cannon," said public relations PT Toyota Astra Motor's.

According to her, the atmosphere in the Nabawi Mosque itself is running as usual, pilgrims still perform pray tarawih.

One other Indonesian citizen, Ustadz Ja'far Fathuddin which being i'tikaf in the Nabawi mosque also asked muslims in Indonesia not to be provoked by this incident.

"Let us not be provoked by the news circulating ... (Bomb) away (from the Nabawi mosque) fumes are visible. There were intentionally spread the image was shot from the front gate of the Nabawi mosque then zooming as it happened next to the mosque Nabawi and the news says the bomb carrier doorstep Nabawi mosque.. We are now tarawih prayers at the Nabawi mosque in safety and as usual," said Ja'far as shared in some social media account.
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