This Teacher Old Motorcycle Sold Until Rp36 Million

Rabu, 08 Juni 2016 - 18:47 WIB
This Teacher Old Motorcycle...
This Teacher Old Motorcycle Sold Until Rp36 Million
YOGYAKARTA - Who would have thought, the retired teacher old motor's behavior to Rp36 million. Want to know what the teacher bought the bike? Only Rp300 thousand...

Is Hardjosudiro, chemistry
high school teacher in De Britto College who has served since 1970. Now in his old age, he and his wife lived in Kampung Mancasan, Wirobrajan, Yogyakarta.

The teacher who just retirement in 2014, really did not expect if his
old motor is worn during his stint as a teacher can be rewarded up to tens of millions.

Motor with
Suzuki brand in green color which production in 1977 was bought very expensive by Hardjosudiro former student in College De Britto, Yogyakarta.

That motors have a million memories of him. He recalled, these motors buy because
Romo leaders in De Britto College High School asked him cause almost all of the teachers had to ride a motorcycle.

"I was riding the bicycle from my home in Tirtodipuran to De Britto, then Romo request and lend money to buy a new motorcycle. Well, I bought this bike. The current price of Rp 300 thousand, and I pay
Rp15,000 from one month salary," he said

Husband of Theresia Sutini admitted if since buying the bike until now never buy another bike. It is the only bike has ever had.

His intention to sell beloved motorcycle because it is not possible to extend SIM C due to aging. He is now
should using pacemakers and not longer drive a motorcycle.

"At this age, I certainly can not get a driver's license. My health is also not possible. So, I sold the motorcycle," he said.

Intention to sell the motor conveyed to his former student, Gani Sucahyo which is currently a dentist in Kediri, East Java. Gani initiative offers these motors online and auctioned in school alumni group.

From the auction obtained the highest price of Rp15 million. However the alumni De Britto then venture to be collected quite a fantastic value. The motorcycle was eventually purchased for Rp36,4 million.

"I do not think of it," he said

Hardjosudiro finally invited his former students met at a cafe in Condongcatur. At there he received the money from the sale of his full of memories

"They are the alumni who opened the business, so it's like sharing the business meet. I was invited there, while accepting the money from the auction," he said.

Proceeds from sales of these motors was not enjoyed by Hardjosudiro himself. He donate most of the money into a foundation.

"Helping others who need it must be because I often helped. If that much money for me all, want to what? I am old, it would be useful for the needy," he said.

Rp20 million he donated to the Bakti Luhur
foundation which care of children with disabilities in Malang and Yogyakarta. While the rest is used improve wellbore at his home.
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