Oopss..There're WiFi Signal Named 'Partai Komunis Indonesia'

Sabtu, 14 Mei 2016 - 12:09 WIB
Oopss..Therere WiFi...
Oopss..There're WiFi Signal Named 'Partai Komunis Indonesia'
CIAMIS - Later, public at Ciamis, West Java troubled by the emergence of the internet network signal named 'Partai Komunis Indonesia' / Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI).

This WiFi signal appears when access the internet network near some store. According to information, that WiFi signal has been since early May 2016.

As reported wartapriangan.com, PKI WiFi signal in Ciamis appeared in Pusaka Photo shop. According to owner, H. Suherli, he also wondered why that signal emerged from the internet network in his shop.

Still according to him, he was aware that signal when he opened his own Android in early May. Suherli find WiFi signal captured by his Android system. In fact, the WiFi signal in his shop only one and named Pusaka Photo.

After emergence that signal, continued Suherli,
Pusaka Photo WiFi signal can not be opened. Then he call PT Telkom to repair internet networks in his shop. PT Telkom officers already checked the existence of that signal.

"After turning off the electric power meter that WiFi signal lost, but if electricity positions on, that WiFi signal reappears," explained Suherli.

Then h
e asked Telkom to turn off that signal to not disturbing public. And tracking results of PT Telkom officers, name of the Communist Party of Indonesia WiFi which cloning in Pusaka Photo modem is located at RT 02 RW 01 Neglasari village, Banjarsari district.
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