KPK Ask Hambalang Construction Not Followed
Sabtu, 19 Maret 2016 - 11:15 WIB

KPK Ask Hambalang Construction Not Followed
JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to assess the continuing construction of the complex Fitness Training, Education and the National Sports School (P3SON) Hambalang in Sentul, West Java is not worth to continuing.
"Actually, the location is not feasible to do development, and should be reviewed for feasibility," said Acting Head of Public Relations of the Commission Yuyuk Andriati in Jakarta, yesterday.
KPK also had a meeting with the BPK and the Ministry of Youth and Sports to give you some advice, as well as in accordance with the particulars of a team of experts that has been raised in court cases Hambalang.
As is known, Kemenpora revive Hambalang complex which has been stalled for corruption. President Joko Widodo has even conducted a site visit stretcher on Friday (18/3) and want to quickly whiten the site because the costs of security, maintenance, maintenance P3SON Hambalang.
"On hearing the verdict, among others, called contours of the land is unstable and still there is one suspect who until today still do the inspection, unfinished case," added Yuyuk.
However, the decision regarding the project is resumed or not, according to Yuyuk not be the domain of the Commission.
"If the project related to proceed or not it is not a domain KPK again. As for the development of cases (of corruption), will depend on how the progress of the case, investigators still will explore whether there are new suspect case or not," said Yuyuk.
This case has ensnared a number of parties such as the former Sports Minister Andi Mallarangeng Budget User, former Head of Planning Kemenpora Deddy Kusdinar as Committing Officer Hambalang project currently implemented.
Besides the former Director of Operations PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Teuku Bagus Mukhamad Noor, former Democratic Party chairman Anas Urbaningrum of which are already in jail until brother of Andi Mallarangeng, Choel Mallarangeng which is currently still a suspect in the Commission.
While in some cases the decision Hambalang shows, the results emergency response team that formed the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation shows landslides caused rock properties at the location of clay easily extend and the movement of soil.
It has already been known when construction planning based on the "soil investigation" from subcontractor PD Laboratirum Civil Engineering Geoinves that shows Hambalang are cemented clay soil.
In addition Hambalang locations in zones of high vulnerability of middle ground movement as Disaster Risk Map is published by PVMBG.
"Actually, the location is not feasible to do development, and should be reviewed for feasibility," said Acting Head of Public Relations of the Commission Yuyuk Andriati in Jakarta, yesterday.
KPK also had a meeting with the BPK and the Ministry of Youth and Sports to give you some advice, as well as in accordance with the particulars of a team of experts that has been raised in court cases Hambalang.
As is known, Kemenpora revive Hambalang complex which has been stalled for corruption. President Joko Widodo has even conducted a site visit stretcher on Friday (18/3) and want to quickly whiten the site because the costs of security, maintenance, maintenance P3SON Hambalang.
"On hearing the verdict, among others, called contours of the land is unstable and still there is one suspect who until today still do the inspection, unfinished case," added Yuyuk.
However, the decision regarding the project is resumed or not, according to Yuyuk not be the domain of the Commission.
"If the project related to proceed or not it is not a domain KPK again. As for the development of cases (of corruption), will depend on how the progress of the case, investigators still will explore whether there are new suspect case or not," said Yuyuk.
This case has ensnared a number of parties such as the former Sports Minister Andi Mallarangeng Budget User, former Head of Planning Kemenpora Deddy Kusdinar as Committing Officer Hambalang project currently implemented.
Besides the former Director of Operations PT Adhi Karya (Persero) Teuku Bagus Mukhamad Noor, former Democratic Party chairman Anas Urbaningrum of which are already in jail until brother of Andi Mallarangeng, Choel Mallarangeng which is currently still a suspect in the Commission.
While in some cases the decision Hambalang shows, the results emergency response team that formed the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation shows landslides caused rock properties at the location of clay easily extend and the movement of soil.
It has already been known when construction planning based on the "soil investigation" from subcontractor PD Laboratirum Civil Engineering Geoinves that shows Hambalang are cemented clay soil.
In addition Hambalang locations in zones of high vulnerability of middle ground movement as Disaster Risk Map is published by PVMBG.