Oops...Wonosobo Police Busted Same Sex Marriage

Kamis, 17 Maret 2016 - 05:30 WIB
Oops...Wonosobo Police...
Oops...Wonosobo Police Busted Same Sex Marriage
WONOSOBO - Kepil Police Sector, Wonosobo, Central Java foiled same sex marriage between Andi Budi Sutrisno alias Andini, Teges Wetan village residents, with Didik Suseno of Pituruh, Purworejo resident.

Kepil Police chief, AKP Surakhman in Wonosobo, Monday (14/3) said it received reports from the public about the plan of same sex marriage. Because these activities clearly violate the law and disturbing the public about the marriage request was canceled.

"In order to forward such incident does not happen again, we appealed to the public to always care for each other and remind each other when there are activities that are contrary to the law," he said.

He said, through the statements of the Teges Wetan
villagers, Kepil District of Wonosobo regency, Saturday (12/3) coasters police officers managed to foil the plans of the same sex marriage and kinship with persuasive manner.

Assisted by Teges Wetan village Chief, Hendri Puryanto and some community leaders and religious leaders, both the bride finally following their parents realize then discouraged to get married. Police today summoned the parties for questioning. They were asked to come to the police station to complete the matter of same sex marriage were thwarted them.

"The parties are invited. To this day we had just come from the groom and his parents to the police station," said the Head of Criminal Police Unit, Kepil Police Sector, Aiptu Harsono.

Andi Budi Sutrisno alias Andini (27) the bride is assumed as the bride has dressed up the bride. Even parents already announced his marriage to the worshipers recitals since three days earlier.

Andini has informed the family will receive a delegation of the groom named Didik Suseno of Pituruh, Purworejo. Andini and family have been handing out rice feast to locals as an act of gratitude marriage.

On the other hand, the family of the prospective groom had requested a letter of passengers marriage
from KUA Pituruh District and has been taking care of the wedding file in the Kepil District KUA. However, knowing that the bride turns her gender to male, the request was rejected. Rejection letter from Kepil KUA also been submitted to the family of Suroso, parents Andini.

But the family is still insist on continuing the wedding plans. It was known by people around so refuse and report it to the Kepil Police. At that time, Aiptu
Harsono, Criminal Police Chief members went to the family home Suroso family, in Mejing RT 4 RW 2, Teges Wetan village.

At the site, the police then collect the village and community leaders and religious leaders to give an explanation to the bride and family for the attack.

At that time also invited a cleric who is caregiver Pondok Pesantren Al Iman Tanjunganom, KH Ismail. Finally, after being given an explanation, the bride and her family realized the mistake that has been done and is willing to discontinue the wedding activities.
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