Transgender Pesantren Transformed into Taklim Assembly

Transgender Pesantren Transformed into Taklim Assembly
YOGYAKARTA - Al Fatah Transgender Pesantren in Celengan, Jagalan, Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta will be back after closing some time ago.
"We will do activities in the taklim assembly form," said Shinta Ratri, board of Al Fatah Transgender Pesantren in Yogyakarta LBH office on Tuesday (03/08).
Nevertheless, these veiled transsexual is still waiting to see whether the taklim activity will be held in a new location or occupies the old location.
"We are still waiting," Shinta added.
On this occasion, Shinta also argued cause of rejected Transgender Pesantren because used for karaoke and alcohol party after recitation. Shinta claims it was only one time and then there was a birthday and the students were holding a single organ entertainment, as well as the drink brought a transvestite from outside.
"There are just religious learning and other learning. The proof, many friends S1 and S2 students who do research," he said.
Meanwhile, builder Pesantren Al Fatah, Abdul Muhaimin hope that countries take to facilitate boarding transvestites. Because, as human beings must also be given the opportunity to study religion.
"The government must facilitate," he said.
Muhaimin revealed that schools accommodate groups Transvestite, no LGBT groups.
"In Al Quran, there are only two groups that should not be addressed, namely those against the book and those who commit crimes," he described.
"We will do activities in the taklim assembly form," said Shinta Ratri, board of Al Fatah Transgender Pesantren in Yogyakarta LBH office on Tuesday (03/08).
Nevertheless, these veiled transsexual is still waiting to see whether the taklim activity will be held in a new location or occupies the old location.
"We are still waiting," Shinta added.
On this occasion, Shinta also argued cause of rejected Transgender Pesantren because used for karaoke and alcohol party after recitation. Shinta claims it was only one time and then there was a birthday and the students were holding a single organ entertainment, as well as the drink brought a transvestite from outside.
"There are just religious learning and other learning. The proof, many friends S1 and S2 students who do research," he said.
Meanwhile, builder Pesantren Al Fatah, Abdul Muhaimin hope that countries take to facilitate boarding transvestites. Because, as human beings must also be given the opportunity to study religion.
"The government must facilitate," he said.
Muhaimin revealed that schools accommodate groups Transvestite, no LGBT groups.
"In Al Quran, there are only two groups that should not be addressed, namely those against the book and those who commit crimes," he described.