Mbah Lindu, The Oldest Yogyakarta Gudeg Seller

Mbah Lindu, The Oldest Yogyakarta Gudeg Seller
YOGYAKARTA - Who does not know the Gudeg Yogyakarta. Food which already available in hundred years ago, made typical food city of Yogyakarta and also earned the nickname Yogyakarta as Kota Gudeg.
It will not be difficult to get food which made from young jackfruit in Yogyakarta. Almost in every corner of the city, gudeg seller we can find. But do you know who most oldest Yogyakarta gudeg seller today?
If you wish, you can visit Malioboro street, Yogyakarta. Right in front of the Hotel Grage Ramayana, there is a gudeg seller named Mbah Lindu. He's already close to 100 years, exactly 96 years. Many residents of Yogyakarta call Mbah Lindu is most oldest gudeg seller in Yogyakarta.
Speaking of place, do not expect or imagine the location of Mbah Lindu like shops which often served warm and luxurious like culinary event on television. Gudeg Mbah Lindu sold only at a guard post on the edge of the Yogyakarta legendary street.
"I forgot what year since, just as the days of money bruise," said Mbah Lindu whose real name Setyo Utomo as reported from, Tuesday (19/1).
At the age of almost a century, grandma which 15 grand children and 8 great-grand children have not yet thought of rest from work. He was still warm spirit and happy selling. Every day, accompanied by his daughter, Ratiyah, she departing from their home in Klebengan, Depok, Sleman around 05.00 pm.
Arriving at the guard post where she sells, Mbah Lindu immediately set up his wares consisting of warm, rice, porridge and various additional side dishes such as chicken, eggs, tofu, tempeh, krecek and fried sauce.
"Long time before I was born, my mother is already selling here," said Ratiyah.
Mbah Lindu also still into their own hands to set up his wares at home. Every day after selling around 10.00 am, Mbah Lindu immediately set back the materials for dispensing warm. Because gudeg should be cooked all night to get a delicious taste.
The next morning, around 01.00 pm Mbah Lindu also should've been up to heat the side dishes and cook the rice. After dawn, around 05.00 pm, she and her daughter, Ratiyah start sell the gudeg. It's so extraordinary!!
It will not be difficult to get food which made from young jackfruit in Yogyakarta. Almost in every corner of the city, gudeg seller we can find. But do you know who most oldest Yogyakarta gudeg seller today?
If you wish, you can visit Malioboro street, Yogyakarta. Right in front of the Hotel Grage Ramayana, there is a gudeg seller named Mbah Lindu. He's already close to 100 years, exactly 96 years. Many residents of Yogyakarta call Mbah Lindu is most oldest gudeg seller in Yogyakarta.
Speaking of place, do not expect or imagine the location of Mbah Lindu like shops which often served warm and luxurious like culinary event on television. Gudeg Mbah Lindu sold only at a guard post on the edge of the Yogyakarta legendary street.
"I forgot what year since, just as the days of money bruise," said Mbah Lindu whose real name Setyo Utomo as reported from, Tuesday (19/1).
At the age of almost a century, grandma which 15 grand children and 8 great-grand children have not yet thought of rest from work. He was still warm spirit and happy selling. Every day, accompanied by his daughter, Ratiyah, she departing from their home in Klebengan, Depok, Sleman around 05.00 pm.
Arriving at the guard post where she sells, Mbah Lindu immediately set up his wares consisting of warm, rice, porridge and various additional side dishes such as chicken, eggs, tofu, tempeh, krecek and fried sauce.
"Long time before I was born, my mother is already selling here," said Ratiyah.
Mbah Lindu also still into their own hands to set up his wares at home. Every day after selling around 10.00 am, Mbah Lindu immediately set back the materials for dispensing warm. Because gudeg should be cooked all night to get a delicious taste.
The next morning, around 01.00 pm Mbah Lindu also should've been up to heat the side dishes and cook the rice. After dawn, around 05.00 pm, she and her daughter, Ratiyah start sell the gudeg. It's so extraordinary!!