Community Organizations Should Work and Serve The Community

Jum'at, 26 Februari 2016 - 03:09 WIB
Community Organizations...
Community Organizations Should Work and Serve The Community
JAKARTA - Frequent occurrence of friction between community organizations (Ormas) cause often a particular party in smoothing the backing of business interests or to debt collectors seriously addressed Baladhika Karya (BK).

Organizations that will hold a National Executive Meeting (Rapimnas) 2nd at Friday (26/2) did not allow cadres commit an act contrary to the law and hurt people.

"Baladhika Karya should work and serve the community, rather than opposed to society," said Chairman Baladhika Karya (BK), Juan Ferry to Sindonews, Friday (26/2).

Above, continued the man who is familiarly called this FJ is also to answer the efforts made by BK to minimize friction between community organizations that often occurs due to hostile defense of the parties 'pay'.

BK resources should be able to work in a good job and legal," said Ferry.

Moreover, the current political situation the country is disturbed by the recent acts of terrorism, human trafficking, drug circulation until LGBT campaign. Anticipating this, Rapimnas also to prepare the agenda for defending the country.

"The agenda was later oriented to revitalize the national defense through the defense of the country. That is shown by the handover of 10 thousand cadres BK is to be trained to defend the state program," said Ferry.

In Rapimnas which will be attended by Minister of Defense (Menhan) RI, there will be a signatory to the MOU as a sign of cooperation between Depipus BK with the Ministry of Defense in order to establish a cadre of defending the country. The purpose of this MOU as the basics revitalization of BK
long term programs in order to anticipate terrorism, drug circulationand human trafficking surveillance and rejection of LGBT campaign.

"Hopefully, this cooperation can achieve the revitalization of national security was good and ripe for a mental revolution, according to the Indonesian government's programs. NKRI is number one," he concluded.
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