Next Week, Setnov be Examined
Jum'at, 08 Januari 2016 - 15:50 WIB

Next Week, Setnov be Examined
JAKARTA - Attorney General, HM Prasetyo said former Speaker of the Parliament Setya Novanto (Setnov) would be examined for questioning next week.
Novanto, who stepped down from the top position in the Parliament after all members of the Houses ethics council (MDK) voted that he was guilty of breaking ethical codes. He was accused of holding illegal talks with Freeport Indonesias President Director, Maroef Sjamsuddin and a businessman, Riza Chalid, on extension of the contract of the U.S. mining company.
Meanwhile, the attorney general has criminal charge against Novanto misusing the name of President Joko Widodo and Vice President Jusuf Kalla in the meetings with the president of the U.S. mining company.
Attorney General, HM Prasetyo said he has new evidence to charge Novanto with corruption that presidential permit is not needed to investigate Novanto. Presidential permit is needed to investigate members of parliament on criminal cases but not on corruption, which is categorized as extraordinary crime in the country.
Prasetyo said evidence has been enough to summon the Golkar politician for investigations, adding new fact had been unveiled after carrying out initial investigations.
"The new fact about what had been committed by Novanto is not related to his duty (as lawmaker), therefore, presidential permit is not needed," he said.
Novanto cases of ethic code violation and corruption were unearthed after Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Sudirman Said reported him to the MDK with a transcript of recorded talks in his meeting with Maroef, and Riza Chalid, who is still at large.
Riza Chaild has been named a law fugitive after failing to honor summons by the Attorney General office for investigations.(*)
Novanto, who stepped down from the top position in the Parliament after all members of the Houses ethics council (MDK) voted that he was guilty of breaking ethical codes. He was accused of holding illegal talks with Freeport Indonesias President Director, Maroef Sjamsuddin and a businessman, Riza Chalid, on extension of the contract of the U.S. mining company.
Meanwhile, the attorney general has criminal charge against Novanto misusing the name of President Joko Widodo and Vice President Jusuf Kalla in the meetings with the president of the U.S. mining company.
Attorney General, HM Prasetyo said he has new evidence to charge Novanto with corruption that presidential permit is not needed to investigate Novanto. Presidential permit is needed to investigate members of parliament on criminal cases but not on corruption, which is categorized as extraordinary crime in the country.
Prasetyo said evidence has been enough to summon the Golkar politician for investigations, adding new fact had been unveiled after carrying out initial investigations.
"The new fact about what had been committed by Novanto is not related to his duty (as lawmaker), therefore, presidential permit is not needed," he said.
Novanto cases of ethic code violation and corruption were unearthed after Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Sudirman Said reported him to the MDK with a transcript of recorded talks in his meeting with Maroef, and Riza Chalid, who is still at large.
Riza Chaild has been named a law fugitive after failing to honor summons by the Attorney General office for investigations.(*)