Survey Says Salaries Foreign Workers in Southeast Asia Highest in The World

Survey Says Salaries Foreign Workers in Southeast Asia Highest in The World
JAKARTA - HSBC launched the latest data regarding the salary survey expatriates or foreigners in the world. As a result, salaries of strangers or foreigners workers in Southeast Asia breaking highs record.
The average annual salary of strangers in Asia Pacific totaled US $ 126,000, higher than the global average of only USD 104,000 per year. The survey was conducted by YouGov to ask almost 22,000 foreign workers in 198 countries.
Most foreign workers in Southeast Asia say that they can save more money and be more efficient.
"Asia offers some of the most valuable employment opportunities, allowing expatriates to hone skills. At the same time, Southeast Asia also improve their living standards," said Head of Retail Banking and Wealth Management HSBC Singapore, Matthew Colebrook.
From this survey, Singapore was the country with the highest expatriate salaries giver. As many as 65 percent of those said to have a greater level of income and 60 percent said they could save more money. Another survey said that sometimes the cost of living in Southeast Asia is far higher than the country of origin of the expatriate.
For example, foreign workers with school children at the Singapore International School have to pay USD 409,000 for education, from primary school to thirteenth.
In addition, a high salary package that is sometimes associated with the high cost of living in a country in ASEAN.
Pay Survey MyExpatriate never reveal that foreign workers in Japan receive multiple benefits, such as the manager's job is entitled to income of USD 375 289 per year. The high revenue because of the cost of housing, education and transportation are much higher than elsewhere.
The average annual salary of strangers in Asia Pacific totaled US $ 126,000, higher than the global average of only USD 104,000 per year. The survey was conducted by YouGov to ask almost 22,000 foreign workers in 198 countries.
Most foreign workers in Southeast Asia say that they can save more money and be more efficient.
"Asia offers some of the most valuable employment opportunities, allowing expatriates to hone skills. At the same time, Southeast Asia also improve their living standards," said Head of Retail Banking and Wealth Management HSBC Singapore, Matthew Colebrook.
From this survey, Singapore was the country with the highest expatriate salaries giver. As many as 65 percent of those said to have a greater level of income and 60 percent said they could save more money. Another survey said that sometimes the cost of living in Southeast Asia is far higher than the country of origin of the expatriate.
For example, foreign workers with school children at the Singapore International School have to pay USD 409,000 for education, from primary school to thirteenth.
In addition, a high salary package that is sometimes associated with the high cost of living in a country in ASEAN.
Pay Survey MyExpatriate never reveal that foreign workers in Japan receive multiple benefits, such as the manager's job is entitled to income of USD 375 289 per year. The high revenue because of the cost of housing, education and transportation are much higher than elsewhere.