Trump Statement is Primitive!

Rabu, 09 Desember 2015 - 16:13 WIB
Trump Statement is Primitive!
Trump Statement is Primitive!
JAKARTA - Chairman of Muhammadiyah, Haedar Nasir declared presidential candidate statement the United States (US) Republican Donald Trump calls related to the banning of Muslim citizens entering the United States, show an attitude of mind and the primitive.

"Trump statement shows an attitude of mind and the primitive in a modern country that upholds democracy, human rights and pluralism," said Haedar as released by Antara, Wednesday (9/12).

According Haedar, how could a presidential candidate has ultra-Islamophobia mind when the world has changed where interfaith relations further dialogue.

Indeed, he said, there is still a small part among Islamic conservatives and radicals, as well as in other religions in the name of religion to commit violence.

"But that does not mean to be anti-Islam. Trump represents the orthodox elite who live in a global era," said Haedar.

The main presidential candidate of the Republican Party, Donald Trump called for the closure of a complete and total entry of Muslims to the United States. This is the most provocative statement in his candidacy for the US presidential campaign.

As quoted by Reuters, Trump's own statement delivered after the mass shootings in Southern California and criticism of former US Vice President coming from Republican Dick Cheney and his fellow competitors Republican Jeb Bush. Jeb Bush even mention Trump insane.

Mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, carried out by a married Muslim Syed Farook and Tashfeen Rizwan Malik. Farook was born in the US, while Tashfeen born in Pakistan and came to the US from Saudi Arabia.
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