Three British Women Discovered Spreading ISIS

Kamis, 26 November 2015 - 20:53 WIB
Three British Women...
Three British Women Discovered Spreading ISIS
LONDON - A group of British women have been exposed as ISIS sympathisers who are promoting extremist ideology in the UK and encouraging 'impressionable young girls' to travel to Syria.Their behaviour came to light following a 12 month undercover investigation which saw a team of Muslim reporters infiltrate the group's inner circle.

As released by Dailymail, the three ISIS supporters are seen glorifying jihadis, telling young Muslim women that Britain is waging war against them and using racially abusive language to describe Jews and Israelis.

In a trailer for a documentary that aired on Monday one is heard saying 'We do not submit to the law of any country, any nation' while Syria is promoted on Twitter as 'the best of Allah's lands on earth'.

A Channel 4 programme has exposed a group of British women as ISIS supporters who are encouraging 'impressionable young girls' in the UK to travel to Syria and join the terrorist group

The investigation was brought to a close a month before the terrorist attacks in Paris when one of the female ISIS supporters became suspicious of an undercover reporter.

The trio identify themselves as Umm Saalihah, Umm L and Umm Usmaan on Twitter. Two operate in positions of authority within their circles and lecture women in secretive study sessions, the programme makers said. All three were tracked down after promoting pro-ISIS ideology on social media platforms.

An undercover reporter was able to meet them after extensive direct messaging on Twitter and by making contacts at a demonstration outside Regents Park Mosque. She is seen coming face-to-face with the British ISIS supporters at an Islamic roadshow on Lewisham High Street in London. After gaining their trust, the reporter is granted access to closely-guarded women-only study sessions which are strictly by invitation only.

In the two-hour lectures, female Islamic State sympathisers are heard spreading ISIS's extremist ideology and encouraging people to abandon democracy and join the terrorist group in Syria.
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