FSA Launches Masterplan To Face Financial Crisis

Kamis, 19 November 2015 - 12:22 WIB
FSA Launches Masterplan...
FSA Launches Masterplan To Face Financial Crisis
JAKARTA - Financial Services Authority (FSA) will launch a master plan by the end of this year to face a financial crisis that may occur in the future.

"FSA will introduce a series of policies, initiatives, the three pillars of the national financial sector development," said Chairman of the Board of Commissioners FSA Muliaman D Hadad in Jakarta, Thursday (19/11).

Of the three pillars, Hadad explained, the first is to try the national financial industry could have strong resistance when the crisis came.

"First, try the durability of the national financial industry either. Crises come and go, do not we invite, and crises that usually comes 10 years, now come more often," he said.

Secondly, Hadad said that the financial industry must be vigorous in applying the principles of good corporate governance (GCG / GCG).

"Second, the financial industry must be strong to apply the principles of governance and human resource management was stronger when the crisis comes," he explained.

Besides, he added, the financial industry should contribute arrange business model in order to contribute economic growth requires long-term funds for infrastructure.

Third, Hadad said that the financial industry must be able to access the lower middle income people to improve inclusiveness.

"There should be access to finance of small communities that are inclusive of a wide range of technological support, education. Moreover, people are not familiar with financial services in rural and urban areas," he concluded.
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